RP Name: GoatLord
Time Zone: CET
Link to Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069500987/
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54617629
Current Gametracker Profiles: www.gametracker.com/player/GoatLord/dark...arpgaming.com:27015/
Estimated Server Time: 20--50h across different usernames
Languages I Speak: English, Swedish and surface level German
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match or "RDM" is when somebody decides to murder another player without a valid RP reason, making it "Random". Examples of this would be things like shooting people in the street for no reason, sniping people from buildings for no reason, and so on. One common example of this that I have seen is people becoming Police to get a gun quick, only to run out on the street and kill people for no valid reason, making it RDM.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
New Life Rule or, "NLR" means that when a player dies in a valid deathmatch within a zone, they are not allowed to return back into that zone (essentially reviving themselves), instead they are meant to wait out the NLR timer (of 3 minutes) before they are allowed to return. An example of someone breaking this rule is something I see very frequently which is when someone is having a valid death match. such as when raiding or mugging, the killed player often returns 10 seconds later only to murder the other player immediately, something that the NLR rule is specifically meant to prevent.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
I would teleport them both to a different location away from sight and ask them both for their side of the story, if player B admits, then I would proceed to give them a warning and tell them not to repeat it. If player B insists they did not kill player A, I would ask player A if they have any proof to back up their claims, if they do and the proof is valid, I would proceed to warn player B and in most cases, jail them for a few minutes as well so that they can read the rules. If player A has no proof I would ask Player B if they have any proof that they did not kill them, if player B can prove that they did not, I would proceed to warn player A for framing them and jail them. If neither player can prove anything I would simply put them back where they were and close the case.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining.
I would quickly pull this player aside and ask them upfront what they are doing. In most cases, I believe a player doing this is likely aware they are breaking the rules and in most cases, this would likely end with me warning them and giving them a long jail time or kicking them. If they are genuinely unaware they are not allowed to do this, I would simply warn them and let them know to read the rules and not repeat this. Once I let them go, I would of course watch them to make sure they don't repeat it as well. If any players lost anything in this the process of this player going berserk, I would make sure to restore that as well.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
I have been playing on the server since 2016, alongside my 2 friends Jesper and Paladin who have been playing even longer, we still maintain one of the oldest gangs on the server I believe. This means I genuinely want to see the server do well, I have seen a lot of people breaking the rules ever since I returned recently and people have been telling me there is a need for more staff and I want to help in any way that I can. I have a lot of experience as a staff member, everything from moderating to being and admin and even running my own servers. When I was 15 or so I was a moderator at Roblox, later on I was an admin at a medium sized (about 50-100 players daily) server network on Gmod called "Land of Depression", which included prophunt, TTT and sandbox servers, we did attempt to start up darkrp as well but it never caught on. I have also been an admin for several Minecraft servers over the years, none of which were too large though. These days I run 2 Minecraft servers myself with around 100 players total that play, which has been running for about 3 years now, but I have been running Minecraft servers for almost 6 years now in total. In conclusion, I just want the server to do well and I want to help out in any way that I can. I have experience with being on different staff teams and I have experience with most staff tools on Gmod. I have a lot of time on my hands these days and I would be more than happy to put that into helping the server and it's players.