Steam Name: Nafe
Forum Name: Nafe
What server(s) are you active on?: SSRP, Teamspeak, Discord, Forums
I am From: United Kingdom
Time spent with ZARP Gaming?:
9 years, very active throughout.
How often do you come on the forums:
I am on the forums every day and always have a tab open, I try to refresh as often as possible.
Why You?:
I should be chosen as I am a former forum staff member, so I am confident with the powers and knowledgeable with the TOU. I am always friendly on the forums and am extremely active. I am a former Global Moderator so taking on these roles should be fairly straight forward.
My activity is one of the highest on the forums, I am the most active poster in the entire community and try to be as helpful as possible in all of my replies if it's needed. General discussion, Appeals and Report Abuse are my most active sections. Here is a few examples of me trying to be as helpful as possible, in replies to users who are appealing or reporting things:
I am extremely experienced within the community, I have a large list of former ranks I have held across many servers. I always do my best to attend meetings, when I am in meetings I am always speaking up and doing my best to make sure my points are heard.
I am always trying to reply to topics but also don't like doing so unnecessarily, hence why my activity in general discussion looks a bit spotty. I do my best to look at every topic on the forums, I also do my best to report things on the forums either using the report button or by directly going to forum staff.
Here is a list of my former ranks from memory and in no particular order:
Forum Global Moderator
Teamspeak & Discord Head Administrator
SSRP Head Administrator
Bunnyhop Super Administrator
Surf Super Administrator
Jailbreak Super Administrator
Deathrun Administrator
I think most importantly Friendly Players staff, Sally would agree!
+Many more from long forgotten servers
I hope you consider accepting me!