SSRP Moderator
Callum’s Application
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I am from Ireland, I have about 38 hours on the server, I have spent about 2 years within ZARP Gaming.
Explain the terms "RDM" and "NLR"
RDM - RDM, also known as random death match, is where you kill a player without any valid reason. An example of RDM is if a player is AFK in spawn, and I walk up to them and end their soul.
NLR - NLR also known as new life rule, is where you continue RP in an area, before the NLR timer is up. An example of NLR is returning to the place someone killed me, and killing them with reason "they killed me", or for something I saw before dying.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
Firstly, I would check the logs to ensure the player was indeed killed, and that the player who killed them was the reported player. After confirming this information, I would ask the player who created the report to provide any evidence against the accused player to ensure they did not have a valid reason. Based off the clip(s), I would punish the player appropriately.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining.
If this is their first infraction, I would warn the user and ensure they do not repeat this offence. If repeated, I would ask a higher member of staff to ban the user due to repeating the offence.
Why should I be chosen?
Lately I have been spending much more time on the SSRP server, getting to know the rules, and getting to know the player's who are often on the server. I have enjoyed being on the server everytime I joined, and would like to help out a bit more on the server as a moderator, as lately reports have been taking longer to be handled, or at times, the staff who are online may be AFK or unable to handle a report.