RP Name: Pandinator
Time Zone: Central Time
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88870252
Gametracker profiles: 1, Nova
Estimated server time: 1 day, 3 hours, 22 minutes, and 9 seconds
Languages I speak: English, Spanish, Japanese, and some French.
Current Gametracker stats:
Score: 61
Minutes Played: 616
Score per Minute: 0.1
Rank on Server: #1
Lifetime Gametracker stats:
Score: 577
Minutes Played: 7423
Score per Minute: 0.1
Rank on Server: #3222 out of 135209
NLR Explanation:
NLR can mean that you must not return to the place you died, the amount of time NLR is active can vary.
For example if person A were to die wherever they are like downtown, they cannot go back until the time is over.
RDM Explanation: Random Deathmatch (commonly referred to as "RDM") is a term used to denote when a player randomly kills other players without valid reasons or when someone is upset that they died, even for a legitimate reason. An example would be if person A killed person B with no reason other than to annoy them.
Mass RDM answer: I would make a sit and ask why they are mass RDMing, and if given a wrong answer I would ban them for 24 hours
RDM accusation answer: I would go somewhere private and put both players A and B together in a sit and get them to explain what is happening/going on.
I should be chosen because I can help make the server better and build a good community player base around the server, I am experienced with moderator and admin so I know what I'm doing. I have 800+ hours spent on GMod practically my life wasted on the game and I will always keep playing it, I'm trusted by a wide range of people and am semi-famous.