Steam Name: Akio
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157843901
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: I don't know at all, I prefer not to say anything not to say stupidity.
Languages I speak: French, and English (not perfectly).
Prophunt Related:
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server: I would first ask him to stop what he is doing, and if he does not stop after my warnings I temporarily mute him.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server: I ask him in mp to move from where he is because it is considered bug exploitation if we can not see him and if he still doesn't move after several requests, I slay him.
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario: The ghosting is the fact of giving the position of the props. Example: 2 players are in props, one of them is dead, so he takes advantage of being a spectator to give the position of the props still alive to the 2nd player also still alive.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words): Why me ? This is a relevant question to prove yourself against other people probably applying for the same position. First of all, I am very committed to the server with very strong motivations to help as many people as possible who need help. I am a very active person and will not hesitate to help the players and answer their questions. In addition, I am very serious about the regulations and I will be able to enforce the requested regulations. I am very indulgent on the point of respect between each player and that would create a good daily atmosphere on the server. I am a very rigorous person in my decisions. I currently have experience in moderation which would allow me facilities during my integration and potentially during my position in your team. On the other hand, I am mature enough to make good decisions and be able to create a good mood on the server.
Extra Information: (Not Required) I am French, I speak English but not perfectly, I can make myself understood very well, heard, ask things, and answer the players.