TTT Head Administrator
Callum's Application
User Information
Useless Information With Numbers
850 Hours on server
58 Days as a staff member
550 Reports completed the past 58 days
9 meetings attended the past 58 days
↣ Experience ↢
As stated before in previous applications for positions on the server, I have mentioned a large amount of experience I have working on the server, with the commands and spreadsheets etc. I know the correct syntax for each command, and I am very capable of using the ULX menu that is on the server. I have also assisted other staff with commands or ulx when necessary. I have staffed for a total of 3 months on the server including my previous time as a moderator.
↣ Activity ↢
As you can see from my game tracker, and the information above, I am extremely active on the server, I have between 1000-2000 minutes on the server per week, and I have also been encouraging other staff and players to get on their server. Considering the lack of players on TTT the past few weeks, my activity is good considering that. I am also active on the forums and TeamSpeak, every so often I will join TeamSpeak and chat with friends, or I will interact with forum posts on a daily basis. I am also active within the discord server, and have been very active in chat lately! According to discord, I have spoken in the zarp gaming #general channel more times than any other channel I have ever spoke in... idk about that but maybe
↣ Dedication ↢
I am very dedicated to the Zarp TTT server. Lately, I have been interacting with Richard and sending forward many suggestions for the server and reporting any issues I have spotted on the server! I am actively engaging other players to get on the server, and have also tried getting some more players to apply for a position on the team! Every day I am pinging the discord staff, and posting on the forum and in the TTT discord channel to get players on, while on the server, I interact with the players and make them feel welcome to the server.
↣ What do I wish to achieve as a Head Administrator? ↢
Well, first of all, I would like to bring back the players! I would like TTT to be a place people want to go to in their free time, I'd like everyone to be welcoming to new players, and I want new players to have a reason to stay, I have seen way too many people join and leave because the server did not have players or was just "boring". Let's bring TTT back on top, where it should be!
Extra Comments
prop abuse is good