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Real name: Lewis Todd
Age: 13 Time on server: whenever i can get on How would you handle a person who wants you to bring them somewhere? I WOULD ASK WERE ARE WE GOING IF ITS SERIOUS I WILL FOLLOW What would you do if a RDM is happening right in front of you when you were on a call?I WOULD KICK THE RDMER What would you do to handle a prop killer? KICK FIRST TIME SECOND TIME TEMP BAN How would you handle NLR or attempt to prop kill when you have not seen it? ILL ASK WHAT HAS HAPPEND AND WHY IT HAPPEND AND HOPE ILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT How would you handle a call were a person is accused for propblocking but when you get there the props are gone? I WOULD WARN THEM NOT TO DO IT AGAIN IF THEY DO AND ITS NOT THERE TEMP BAN What would you do to a person who propkilled? 1ST TIME KICK 2ND TEMP BAN 3RD PERM BAN What would you do to a major prop killer? TEMP BAN OR PERM BAN How would you handle a self supplier? 1ST KICK. 2ND TEMP BAN. 3RD PERM BAN In which situation(s) does NLR not apply? 1ST KICK. 2ND TEMP BAN. 3RD PERM BAN If a person is claiming to be RDM:ed in his own house, what do you do and why? I WOULD ASK WHO IS THE RDMER Can a mutant be arrested, why / why not? IF THEY ARE NOT CAUSING GRIEF OR HARM ITS FINE What do you do if a radio manager is playing music in the streets? I WOULD ASK THEM TO STOP IF THEY CARRY ILL GIVE THEM 3 WARNINGS 3RD WARNING TEMP BAN If you see there is a F1 request, what do you do? I WOULD ASK WHY YOU REQUESTED How would you handle a liar? (The player has proof or lie about RDM, NLR etc) I WOULD KICK FIRST TIME TEMP BAN SECOND |
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Earlier known as: Dr Odobenidae and Guffe Admin back in 2k11 :3
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