Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
~25 hours
Languages I speak:
Murder Related
A new player joins the server and wants to know how he can report another player for ghosting, he also states he has sufficient evidence. Explain how you'd go about this and resolve the situation:
I would tell the player with the evidence to add me on steam or discord to where they could send me the evidence needed to punish ghosting, if the evidence was valid I would punish the reported user.
Explain how you'd deal with a player that's harassing and disrespecting another player in-game:
First I would tell the harasser to stop harassing the user, after being verbally warned by either me or other staff members, he would be appropriately punished (either muted or gagged).
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
I think I should be chosen because I have previous staffing experiences and I also have a total of zero warnings. I'm also well behaved and I'd like to think of my self as an honest and friendly person who knows the rules. I usually active on the server for more than one hours per day and I enjoy staffing and helping to combat out rule-breakers. I’m almost always on late at night and around when others aren’t. I’m always a listening ear and willing to help those that really need it. (just a quick FYI I had more activity than most staff last week