Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to Steam Profile
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Link to GameTracker
Languages I speak:
English & Danish
When would it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
It would be appropiate to use the ban command, when dealing with a user that is continuously breaking server rules without remorse/regret, despite given multiple punishments/warnings.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
To be honest, there has not been any situations to be worked around.
My experience as a deathrun moderator has been that, not a lot of rule breaking happens on the server.
I have yet to be in the situtation of actually needing to punish a user, yet.
There has only been, probably, two times, i have had to tell a user to stop doing something against server rules, such as micspam or freerunning.
Why I should be promoted: (We recommend around 75 words)
I believe that i am fit for carrying the responsibility that comes with administrator powers.
I believe that i am capable of maintaining a consistent and stable activity, attitude and dedication.
I believe that, although i may not have had to deal with a lot of situations on deathrun as a staff, i have a lot of experience as a TTT admin. And i'm very confident that those skills carry over and help me be a good deathrun staff.