Steam Name:ThreeBits
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419807590
Current Gametracker Profile:
Languages I speak: English
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is when a person spectating tells the other person were the other people are so if someone doesn't know were somebody is if someone calls out "Oh he is on this side of the map" That is ghosting.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: First i would tell them to never respect another person in the game and lets keep the community friendly and if they keep doing it i would tell another staff to kick them or kick them myself and if they keep doing it when they join back we would ban them for a week.
Why I should be chosen: I have been playing zarp through the good and hard times i have witnessed it die many of times and i don't want that to happen again so i think if i get chosen to be mod i can make the server more friendly and make new players feel at home and if anyone asks me what they should do because they don't know what to do i would help them and i just want to gain a very good community for the server and if i get chosen hopefully i can do that its just a fun time on playing the server and i want to encourage people to also feel that way and that would be amazing to hear that they like the server because i shown them the server.
Hello this is not part of the application but i have tried again because i have gotten more time and am more active as all the important stuff in school is finished! I will be alot more active then i used to be.