Steam Name
Link to Steam Profile
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Languages I speak
English and a little French
What is Ghosting? and give an example
Ghosting is when a dead player (most of the time) gives away information that the person on the other side didn't know.
An example would be a dead person telling the other Runners what the traps are still active and where the Deaths are.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?
I would warn this individual a couple of times to make sure he sees the warning and that he doesn't do it. If he was to continue, I would warn him.
Why I should be chosen
I've staffed for a very long time on TTT now and am Super Admin as many of you might now. (Combined throughout the years a shit ton of experience) and I have a "new" found a love for Deathrun, I like to play on it. I've got vast amounts of experience and I love playing on the server. It's not the most alive server atm but I do come on quite a few times a week.