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SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31054787
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Languages I speak: Icelandic
Little Danish
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is when a person "dead" person tells others what trap he activated or tell him where the guy is is considered ghosting,So when you die you should remain silent and respectful against other players
Player A Dies, Dead "A": He is In the dumpster area = Ghosting
Player B is death, Player A is alive, Player D dies and tells player B where the last player A is...
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: (Explain in your own words how you would deal with a player being disrespectful towards another player or staff member.)
Type of disrespects, I would tell him to watch what he is saying on the server and make sure he treats members as he wants to be treated,
JollymAn: "Blue You are a Idiot loser"
XxmasterxX: "Please be Nice mister JollyMan"
JollyMan: "Fuck you cunt"
XxmasterxX: Alright Im muting you sir.
It depends on how much disrespect and on a how bad level I would do things diffrently
Mild to moderate: verbal warn, and mute
Moderate to severe: Warn, Mute
Severe to Extreme: Ask to be banned.
Why I should be chosen: (Explain in your own words WHY we should chose you to become moderator, what makes you stand out? What are good traits about you? (The questions are examples and are NOT part of the template. (We recommend around 75 words))
I am working on surviving the Deathrun server and I want to become a moderator so I can further help out the community we have few people playing now and its amazing I am trying to keep up a good ingame time in deathrun since I just came back
but Im ready to put a lot of work and effort into my moderator possistion and By the looks of it you are looking for staff members on the server, Why me? because I respect the rules tip to top, Hopefully I will see you guys ingame playing deathrun!