Steam Name:
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Languages I speak:
Swedish & English.
When would it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
It would be appropriate to use the ban command in cases of repeat and or severe cases, ranging from a lot of recent punishments, mass rulebreak, severe harassment, racism, etcetera. When a player is taking their rulebreaks too far and needs to take a break from the server, the ban is appropriate. Depending on the severity of the rulebreaks, normally I would let their recents run to around 5 to 7 punishments (again, depending on the severity of the rulebreaks) before using the ban command as a punishment.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
Luckily I haven’t had to deal with too many mass rulebreakers as of yet, but there have been times where admin powers would have helped. There was a situation where a user would be extremely racist while also breaking other rules. There was another situation where a user would gather a large amount of recent punishments, an amount totally unacceptable. In this case we had to wait for an admin to deal with the situation, this user also had no intention of stopping their rulebreaks despite a lot of warnings and other punishments.
In situations like these I feel like admin powers would’ve been really useful, there have been times when we could've used an admin on the server. Not only are the commands of an admin extremely useful, but there are a lot of times when there are no staff members on, or when the only staff that are on are moderators which potentially exposes the server to more extreme rules breaks.
Why I should be promoted: (We recommend around 75 words)
I am one of the more active staff members of the server, that alone is a good reason why I believe I could use this promotion for the bettering of the server. I am active, friendly and I like to think that I contribute well to the staff team and the server as a whole. I have been in the community for a long time and I have former experience as an administrator.
I’d like to think myself as calm and collected, I think I do a good job as a moderator and I think I would do just as well as an admin. I’m approachable, I enjoy the server, I’m active, friendly and dedicate a lot of time to the deathrun server. These are some of the reasons why I think I would make a good administrator.