RP Name: Aku! #GoldenGal
Time Zone:GMT [UK Time]
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:83964668
Estimated Server Time: 7k hours on gmod since 2017 90% of that time in zarp
Languages I Speak: English.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Frederickle and Bobert are on the street and when Fredrickle connects to the server he spawns in and shoots Bobert for no reason. This is RDM [Random Death Match] when someone kills another person without reason or a good reason besides Minging or being new.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
Ronathan and Jeffanie are on the server basing when all of a sudden Terrance randomly comes out of no where into Ronathan and Jeffanie's base and attempts to raid them, He gets killed he doesn't wait 3 minutes to come back he just comes back instantly and continues raiding them. NLR [New Life Rule] Is a form of abusing the fact that u can respawn and go back to the same place such as being revived for free you're normally supposed to wait 3 minutes to go back to the same district or wherever you died at If they were previously raiding someone and came back with NLR and continued to raid them that would be metagaming because they knew that knowledge of where the base was before they died in there previous life.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
I would ask the other player for his side of the story and if either of them had evidence of the report if not I would try to get one of the people in the sit to tell the truth if they're lying.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining:
I would jail him and ask someone higher up to ban him for NITRP | Minging | MRDM etc if I don't have perm to punish/ban him.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
I've been playing since early 2017 and have always adored zarp as a game, and as of recent with lockdowns and such i have seemingly endless free time i can dedicate to staffing, i remember considering going for staff before but i just never had the time due to school and such, now ive got an opportunity and a fair few existing staff have been ecouraging me to apply so im finally applying, i have a good understanding of the rules and am willing to put a lot of effort into the staff role.
Thank you for your time!