Steam Name: goldauraz
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:534550822
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 15300 min
Languages I speak: English, Afrikaans
Explain how you feel that your time as a Moderator will contribute to you becoming an Admin:
1. As a moderator I have learnt what are certain commands, how to access them and in which situation they are applicable. I did make mistakes in the beginning but over time I have become confident in how to use these commands.
2. I have learnt how to address and deal with other players. I believe in treating others with respect. In some situations a simple verbal warning/ PM was enough to stop a problem. In other situations this was not the case and the appropriate punishment had to be given. Regardless of situation, abuse of power is simply not an option.
3. I have learnt how to help new players by answering FAQ’s, directing them to necessary information threads on the ZARP forum and helping players get rid of pesky “errors” on their screens.
I believe these lessons have formed a suitable foundation for becoming an admin.
Explain a situation in which it would be appropriate to use the ban command:
When a player returns to the server and continues to behave poorly & break the rules even after being warned and kicked. The minimum is a 2 day ban. The reason for a ban is given according to the rule broken plus the number of recents on record.
If you had to write a letter to train a moderator in between 100-200 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?:
Congratulations on your new role as Moderator! The following commands will prove useful in your new position:
time-based commands:
tmute – stops a player for a given period from using the chat. Useful when a player is spamming the chat or is disrespectful to others/staff on chat
tgag – stops a player for a given period from using their microphone. This is used to punish players who are mic spamming
webtauntmute – stop a player for a given period from using web taunts. (use when a player is deliberately playing discriminatory taunts
Informative commands:
friends –check the active friends of a player on the server.
checkspeck –check who a player is currently spectating (this is useful to determine whether a friend who is dead in the prop team or in “spectators” is ghosting with their hunter friend)
Permanent commands:
amute – prevent a player from abusing the admin chat
unamute – to return a player’s ability to make use of the admin chat
unwebtauntmute - restore a players ability to use web taunts.
psay – to send a private message(PM) to a player (for addressing issues directly with a player)
gag - to permanently prevent a player from using their microphone (*not recommended)
ungag – to restore a players ability to use their microphone
slay – Kills a player. Useful when a player is exploiting/door-blocking and continues to do so even after being asked to stop
goto – teleport yourself to a player (i.e. verify if a player is stuck)
bring – bring a player to you (if a player is stuck)
teleport – teleport a player to the direction that you are facing
fspec – force a player into spectator mode. This is if after a mapchange, players who spawned late are stuck waiting for 6:00+ minutes for a single hunter who has successfully spawned but is afk.
forceteam - to force a player into a specific team (i.e. force a player into the same team as their friend to prevent them from ghosting after being warned)
warn – to place a formal warning against a player(s) for a continued offence (used commonly for players who are ghosting even after being verbally told/PM’ed to stop)
kick – used to kick player(s) who consistently break the rules even after receiving a formal warning
*Tip: bind the ulx menu and the awarn vgui menu to assigned keys for easier access. Use F6 to check player records. If you have any questions please ask. Good luck!
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that Staff Member x banned them permanently for Exploiting, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
I would contact Staff Member X (a.k.a. “X”) and present the ban appeal and ban list of the player. I would give “X” the opportunity to explain why the player was permanently banned. I would tell “X” that since this was the player’s first ban and due to the offence, a permaban is too excessive and that a 2-day ban would have been preferable. I would ask “X” moving forward, to please check the records of the player and to verify the command being used before executing the ban. Lastly I would respond to the appeal as follows:
Good day, I have discussed your ban appeal with Staff Member X. Given the details of the situation and your records, you ban appeal has been
Your punishment has been reduced to a 2-day ban. In future, be sure to listen to staff when they are warning you of an exploit and report any potential bugs on the forum.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 100 words):
As a moderator, I feel capable of handling situations that my rank can handle. If I am promoted I would be able to handle the more persistent situations, specifically rule-breakers who take being kicked as an invitation to return to the server and escalate poor behavior. Lastly, I would like to be a better asset to other staff members; to know that I can handle a broader scope of situations even if they are unable to come online.
Extra Information: (Not Required)