Steam Name: Kessi - ケシ
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Languages I speak: Chinese, Japanese, Cantonese, English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match or RDM is when an innocent player kills another player and assumes they are a traitor without sufficient evidence or none at all, to get back at them for something, or just for fun.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario
1. Player 1 sees Player 2 has a harpoon, so player 1 scrolls back in chat to see if Player 2 has announced the weapon in the chat. Player 2 has not. Now Player 1 can acceptably KOS player 2!
2. Player 1 (innocent) sees Player 2 (traitor) kill another player in an
EPIC gunfight. Player 2 then runs away from the body and when asked about the kill, does not respond even after 3 warnings from Player 1. Now Player 1 can acceptably KOS player 2!
3.Player 1 (detective) Player 2 (innocent / traitor) uses a KOS'D health station to heal for 20 health points. Not only thaat but he also pushes the health station off a ledge!!!! Player 1 can acceptably KOS player 2 if either one of these happens!
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. Player 1 (innocent) is at the bottom of the tester on map minecraft_b5 with Player 2 (traitor). The glass trap is activated and Player 1 suspects it was Player 2.....Player 1 CANNOT kos in this situation as you cant KOS on traps!
2. Player 1 (innocent) sees Player 2 (traitor) enter the traitor room. However, Player 1 does not see Player 2's nametag. So player 1 says in chat, "next person out of nether is KOS" Player 1 CANNOT kos in this situation as you cant KOS locations!
Why I should be chosen:
I feel I should be chosen as I know the rules in and out and try to obey them as best as I can. I look up to the staff on Zarp and want be the best I can be when handling peoples problems and helping them out. I am kind and have always kept calm no matter what the issues are. I help new players understand the rules of the server and I regularly play on the server (Almost Daily for 2 - 5 hours) and although I have some warnings, I am committed to making the Zarp servers an even greater place and would be committed to my Moderation Job!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!