RP Name: Doug Grave
Time Zone: GMT+1
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: 76561198092020336
Current Gametracker Profiles:
www.gametracker.com/player/Doug%20Grave/...arpgaming.com:27015/ www.gametracker.com/player/Doug%20Grave/...arpgaming.com:27015/
Estimated Server Time: 127.9hours
Languages I Speak: English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
random death match is a moment to where your role playing and someone runs up to you and shoots you in the head for no reason and you have not done anything to provoke them to do so. Also another scenario of rdm is someone calls you sitnky or something and you just start shooting that is rdm because in real life you are not going to shoot someone in the head because they called you stinky. Also RDM can be mistaken lest say i say mug drop 10k or die down my microphone and you kill them within 10 second you cannot do that you have to put /me drop 10k or die 10seconds so that is RDM if you killed them without putting that in the chat. Also give them a timer.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario: NLR is a rule that lets say you die in spawn and then you re-spawn and stay there doing nothing that is NLR because you have to come back to the district in 3mins and you have to not remember anything because that is Braking rolplay. Lets say i rob a shop and then i die by a Police officer i come back to say " haha that was a cool kill man" that is NLR Number 1: You are not supposed to go back there within 3minutes Number 2: You do not remember your last death because IRL if you die you are not going to remember your death or how you died or even the person who killed you.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
i would start off with hearing both sides of the story first start with player a then b after that i will ask if they have proof of them doing this If either of them have proof i would give them a site or my discord and tell them to send me the Clip-Recording of the proof to me if i see the proof i will warn B for killing A for no reason but if i see A shoot b and then B kills him in the clip ill say A you RDM him for no reason man so he had a reason to kill you i would warn A for RDM. Lets say neither of them have proof I cannot do much if non of them have proof but if the logs show the proof and i got a recording and B lies to me i can Warn for Multiple Reasons. Also if B killed A for no reason and A had a Mini 2.0 for example and B killed him with it he would Be told to Pay for the 2.0 if he can afford this.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining.
i will bring the Mass rdm'r to a different part of the map so they cant kill anyone And then i would confront them on what they have been doing if they be innocent and tell me what they have done i will tell them to Refund the people you have killed and what they have lost. But if he lies and he is blatently lying to my face i will just ban him for 1day and 12-16 hours for mass rdm. Lets say he RIP someones suit and cannot pay back the person with the suit would have to make a refund request with the recording of there item/suit getting RIP
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
I should be chosen because i have a lot of Experience in Garry's Mod RP and i know what i am doing i have 3800 hours on Gmod mostly RP and i have been on Zarp Since 2013 i have alot of Experience with this server too i have alot of time to put into this server i can play to 4-7hours a day i am also on late at night when most rule beakers are active so i can be that person to stop them i also treat people how they treat me i am not Someone that will favour a friend in a sit where they are in the wrong too. i like to play on the server for fun and lately i have been getting a little more time so I thought if i apply it will give me something to do and it will help others. Another reason why you should pick me is becuase i have been admin on 4 different servers the servers are down now because they never had alot of population because the owners where not dedicated. i was always dedicated for every role i was ever given. I have alof of experience in Logs and Commands so i know what i am doing as a Mod. Good Luck :3