Steam Name: GodInDisguise
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72033787
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: "Random Death Match" is where a player kills others with no just reasoning to believe that the person they kill is a traitor, as well as killing based on a hunch and minimal reasoning. For example player X sees player Y kill an innocent and automatically kills player Y without asking why player Y killed an innocent.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario: 1) Player X sees another player run inside a traitor only room and calls a KOS on that player. 2) Player X sees another player holding a traitor only weapon such as a harpoon and checks the chat logs to see if it was announced by that player, it isn't and player X calls the KOS. 3) Player X sees 2 people killing each other, one person finishes the fight and runs away without identifying the body, player X calls the KOS on them.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios: 1) Player X sees Player Y run into a T room but does not see their name, player X then calls KOS on the next person they see come out of the nether portal. 2) Player X sees player Y kill multiple known innocents but does not see the name, player X then calls a KOS based on the skin and location of player Y.
Why I should be chosen: I should be chosen because I abide by the servers rules as accurately as possible. I show respect to everyone on the server and will merely implement the rules rather than get caught up in arguments for those who cross the line. I always help new players to understand how the game works and offer answers to any questions I can help with. I am a regular player on this server as it is my favourite server (the only good server) and have very few warnings overall and 0 punishments. I will fulfil my role as moderator to the best of my abilities.