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Time Zone:
GMT +2
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Why are you interested in being part of the Community Council?
I am interested to join the CC because i believe with all the experience garnered over the years, i can propose solutions and ideas that will benefit the server.
I made a fair amount of suggestions that i judge could perfectly fit into the server and actually
benefit everybody. The CC searches for open minded and very active players, which i am, i have been actively playing zarp since 2015, and i've seen everything change, and i believe from all the years playing, i can suggest and argue about suggestions and idea that may or may not fit correctly in the server or fix balance issues. I've never been a huge zarp contributor, but i actually want to become one now.
Why do you believe you should be selected for the Community Council?
I believe i perfectly fit into the role, i hold the admin rank on SSRP and i've never had trust issues, therefore i am trustworthy.
Like i said above, i've been playing since i am a little teen, and i've got ALOT of experience, over the years i matured and i believe i can now hold the responsability of arguing on sensitive subjects, and discuss on
whether or not suggestions and ideas could be potentially added in game.