TheFierceOwl wrote:
hazzenator wrote:
Hanz wrote:
hazzenator wrote:
I'll be honest, I haven't ever see you play unless your a Traitor. You stand doing nothing 80% of the time. This doesn't fill me with confidence that you have all the knowledge of the ZARP TTT and the rules. Your application is detailed, but I still haven't seen that level of dedication I'd expect a user to show when they want to staff on a server.
Again, you have no recent punishments at the moment, whether thats due to the fact you don't play innocent rounds so don't have a chance to get them or you do follow the rules in the time you play.
I'm sorry pal, it's a no from me this week. I understand the others reasons for support but standing AFK doesn't show the dedication someone applying for staff should show.
I wouldnt say they are AFK, finn does stand still most of the game but they do interact with others and replying in chat or moving around
Great! We can confidently say he knows the basic rules in the first section. I still can't be sure he knows the gamemode rules when he only plays rounds where he can gun every innocent down without punishment.
what is this lol i dont understand look at his application tell me where the flaw is THE APPLICATION TEMPLATE DOESNT SAY " HOW DO YOU PLAY THE GAME MODE" it doesnt , rejecting him is bias because idk he jihad you and you are mad about it . Or is it that people like him? I honestly dont understand what bullshit is gonna be said to reject him lol cant wait
Hazzenator's point is valid as is people who support him. Hazzenator is simply saying that since Finn's play-style is so casual, the staff can't see if he can abide by the rules as innocent such as 'RDM'. Rejecting him is not bias nor accepting him is biased.
I've looked at both sides and agree. But the gamemode involves the commitment of both traitors and innocents; if he only plays as traitor and messes around as innocent, he isn't helping the innocents. It's as if someone played Deathrun and they only chose to play runner and stay AFK for death.
At the end of the day, if Finn shows negligence in staff duty or the rules, the staff can demote him. A moderator can't do much, it's only to show if you're capable of further responsibilities.