Steam Name: Insanity
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:89713053
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: German and English
-TTT Related:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match Also Known As RDM is when a player Randomly kills another player without a valid reason.
Scenario: Player A (
Innocent) Kills Player B(
Innocent or
Traitor) mid round without a KOS'able reason.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Example 1) Walking past unIDed bodies:
Scenario 1) Player A (
Traitor) walks past a body without IDing it and Player B (
Innocent) calls a KOS.
Example 2) Failing to answer a Lifecheck after three given warnings:
Scenario 2) Player A (
Detective) calls a Lifecheck and gives 3 warnings, Player B (
Innocent or
Traitor) failed to respond and therefore get KOSed by Player A (
Example 3) Seeing a Player in the Traitor-only-Area:
Scenario 3) Player A (
Innocent) watches Player B (
Traitor) entering the T-Room, Player A (
Innocent) declares a KOS on Player B (
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Example 1) Declaring a KOS based on a playermodel.
Scenario 1 ) Player A (
Traitor) wears a thanos skin and player B (
Innocent) sees that Player A (
Traitor) kills someone and Player B (
Innocent) calls a KOS on the thanos skin in-chat.
Example 2) Calling a kos on someone who throws a smoke granade.
Scenario 2) Player A (
Innocent) throws a smoke granade and Player B (
Innocent) sees it and calles a KOS in the chat.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I have gathered over 500 hours on this TTT server and i want to keep the server clean of Rulebreakers.
I love the community as much Jim_Jam loves TTT. I also have a very clean rapsheet.
I wanna get back with the bois and have fun Staffing again.
I hope this application is better than the last one and i hope this gets accepted.