Steam name:
Link to steam profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
(solid 12 days of activity by meeting time)
Steam ID:
Languages I Speak:
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
It will be appropriate to use the ban command if someone is proven to be hacking or they have LTAP'd, meaning they have dipped from the server in an unforgivable attempt to avoid a punishment. Also if someone has reached a recent warning threshold and they get another warning after having a verbal about not breaking any more rules.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
When i was on one night there was a player who had an inappropriate name, i politely asked them to change but they said "no" and then changed it to something more inappropriate so I warned them and once against asked for them to change it, they said "no" and then they changed it to something more inappropriate so i kicked them. Thankfully they stopped but if they hadn't then all i could have done was ask someone of a higher rank to come on and deal with them.
Why I should be promoted:
I think i should be promoted because I have been deathrun admin twice previously meaning i am very familiar with what is expected of me as an admin and i am familiar with all that comes with the role. I think with more active staff members the deathrun server may see an increase in players which is why I am wanting to join the staff team and help out with the deathrun revival. Overall I am an experienced and fair staff member so I believe i would be a great fit to the staff team
Permission to apply granted by Evan