At this point i don't know if this is some weird troll but i'll take this one seriously and then no others.
Stop blindly reapplying every week thinking at some point you're just going to be accepted, read the fucking comments people left.
You keep applying every few weeks and get the same response "Needs to regain trust in the community".
Look at your prevous posts AND READ THE COMMENTS and then work on it and then come back in a month not in a week or two, and reapply.
I found this in two seconds just going through random pages on your post history.
I'll just leave the same feedback i gave you the last time since nothing has changed yet...
Richard Hoffmann wrote:
In all honesty, I'm not sure if you will ever even be ready for staff. You are, without doubt, one of the most, if not the most immature and impolite kid with anger issues I've ever met during my 10 months of staffing here. I don't know nor can i dare to imagine how giving you staff would look like, would it even last? I doubt it. Ever since i first met you, you've done nothing but cause issues to other Users of the community and especially members of staff on numerous occasions. You always speak of "change" but all I and others can see if just the same old story with you not changing a single bit and even causing more issues than ever before. I can tell you the following with confidence - Your attitude isn't getting any better, nor your activity, as well as your rapsheet.
If i recall correctly, the two of us had our first encounter months and months back whilst i was still an Administrator on SSRP, and I'm quite certain you started throwing sexist jokes and saying disgusting stuff in OOC out of the blue. And that's when you caught my attention. Since then you haven't put any effort nor displayed anything that'd indicate you have "changed". I can't say much for TTT since i haven't really seen you there much, especially not when i was staff, but judging by replies of other fellow staff, your attitude is yet again shit and you still break rules on occasions. The Forums are yet a whole different story since you managed to acquire a crap load of bans since the beginning of 2019 and get so many replies removed due to TOU, topic derailment, and such reasons. And instead of learning from your mistakes as most of us do, you go through the same process and end up on the naughty list as per usual.
If i were in your shoes, I'd focus on being more community involved and work more on important points especially attitude since that represents the biggest problem in your case. I'm not sure if you behave the same way IRL, and if you think that's absolutely normal, but in case you do, I'd seek help from professionals immediately, since this is no joke anymore. Lastly, It's safe to say that the best option for your own, and everyone else's sake is to stay as a User until you actually change your appearance in the community...
That was 8 months ago.