jack bushross wrote:
Ezeh wrote:
OnionRings wrote:
“Keep server rules up to date. There are "rules" that aren't actually rules but people are getting punished for them. I want to keep them up-to-date to make sure they can be loopholed as little as possible and make sure all staff members are informed about new changes so mistakes don't occur.“
Just want to know what you mean by this? You can 100% do this as a super admin, if people are being punished for breaking a “rule” that isn’t a rule then the staff member and user need to be spoken to and sort out the situation and if needed punish the staff member? And the rule changes are posted on the forums every week and and discord notification for the thread. How do you plan to change this and how will the head admin rank assist you?
Hello Onion,
Some people are confused on what I mean by this, and basically, there was recently an event that happened recently where LT/CMs were killing arrested people in their cells (basically spawn killing them) and there were apparently no rule against it and people abused it and killed them over and over to gain kills on the gametracker.
People have always gotten punished and banned for killing people inside the cells and basically everyone including former Lead Team members have punished people for doing it.
I want to implement some sort of system (possibly on the" weekly rota") where we go through the rules to find possible loopholes people may abuse. On the outcomes, we do inform people if rules are changed but we don't really go through loopholes that may occur when we do change that rule and we
should always look outside the box.
Maybe even compensate people for reporting exploits and loopholes so people don't use them for their own advantage but instead, gain some sort reward.
mass killing random people in there jail cells is still rdm if you do not have a reason, Just because they are in a jail/arrested doesn't allow a rule break to happen from a third party. Also as a SA you can suggest these rules in LT meeting under "rule suggestions" you can also put it in the LT agenda for that weeks meeting. Using this fact to try and get a promotion to HA is completely stupid and unneeded.
Getting a reward from reporting a exploit is already a thing. So I have no idea why you are suggesting that. There is a whole policy in place for rewards and how they are thought of within the CM team.
You have also spoken about loopholing and giving a reward. If the player is clearly Loopholing a rule for his/her own benefit you can also punish them under this rule, As shown in the rules list of SSRP.
The rules are in place in order to ensure a fun and safe environment on the servers and as such are not here for anyone to scrutinize or attempt to loophole. The staff have the final word on the rules, if you feel like a staff member is abusing you may submit a report against them.
I personally just don't think you are ready for a HA role and need more time. When more HA's are needed maybe then apply.