RP Name:
Time Zone:
(GMT+2) Eastern European Standard Time
Link to Steam ProfileLink:
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_1:0:158104441
Current Gametracker Profiles:Gametracker profile : / (Bugged)
Estimated Server Time:
Around 250-400 hours
Languages I Speak:
English / Greek and a little bit of French
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
''Random Death Match'' or RDM for short is when a player kills another player for no reason. For example you are standing in spawn minding your own business when all of a sudden someone kills you for no reason.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
''New Life Rule'' or NLR for short is the timer that you have when you die, basically you cant go back to the district/location you died for the next 3 minutes. For example, you are being raided and you die, you are obliged to not go back to your base for the next 3 minutes.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
Well i would ask him for proof and if he had any i would punish the player,but if he didnt have any proof I would let the player go and spectate him to see if he does something against the rules.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining.
Well I would freeze the player who is mass RDMing and would warn him and tell him to read the rules one more time, but if he kept on killing everyone I would jail him and eventually kick/ban him.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
Well there are many reasons why you should choose me to become a moderator on the server. First of all , I have been playing darkrp for a quite a while and I know all the rules that are needed to become a moderator on the server.
Furthermore , I am friendly , I respect the rules of the server and of course all the people on the server no matter where they come from. Additionally , I can provide 3 or more hours on the server which I believe is enough time to provide my service to the people of the server. Last but not least , I love this server and I actually can say its my second home and I want to improve the server and make it a lot better!