RP Name: WindowsME
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254204407
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:146969339
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 – Not listed.
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time: 576 hours (total S1&S3)
Give and explain 3 situations in which it would be appropriate to use the ban command: 1. Mass RDM: A user is mass RDMing others at spawn, the user has recent warns for Mass RDM. NLR: A user has 3 warns and was already kicked by the warn system. They get killed again for trying to arrest a player, and get killed. They come back and arrest the player they kept trying to arrest. They get warned another two times, this would also warrant a ban. Mass RDA: A S.W.A.T member has been repeatedly warned and admin jailed for RDA, yet continues to mass RDA everyone in sight. Let’s say they were warned 3 times, and already kicked. This would warrant a ban after they mass RDA a fourth time.
Explain in detail the main functions of the F1 menu and how this can be used to help you deal with situations on the server: The F1 menu is for users to report other users or ask for help if stuck, etc. This can help by alerting me of an ongoing or past situation. It also provides logging for checking kills and arrests, and such. I could use the logs to help me with a sit for any situation a user may have. I may also check recent warns for a user, which may be used to help in determining a punishment for a user.
Explain in detail how you would handle the following situation:
You witness Player A being verbally abusive towards you through voice/chat whilst you are carrying out your administrative duties. I would tell them to stop, and if they don’t, then I would warn them for disrespect.
Explain in detail how you would handle the following situation:
Player A makes an appeal on a ban that was placed on them permanently for prop spamming, putting great apology and detail into the appeal, admitting to what they did. Explain the process of how you would handle this appeal. I would contact the staff member who placed the punishment on the user, and explain to the staff that the user has shown regret of their decision, and that they should be given a second chance. If the admin says yes that the user should be given another chance to roleplay, I would say “Congratulations! The staff team has decided to accept your appeal!”
If the admin says no, then I would say “Sorry, but after speaking with (Admin who banned), they have told me you had recent warns and bans. This is not your first time getting banned from the server. Therefore, I will have to deny your ban appeal.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
I believe I should be promoted because I can bring more rule enforcement with administrator power. Although not being mod long, I think it would be beneficial for me as well as the server. Example as stated. If I am the only player, it would help to be able to ban, remove props from a prop spammer, freeze with my physgun more efficiently. Whenever I tend to get on, usually after a few hours, there’s no staff. Again, as in my mod application, I want to fix this by having more capabilities. Let’s say a player keeps mass RDMing, and coming back after 3 warns, and continuing. With moderator I can only kick. And even then, they come back. With the temp ban (I’ve seen an hour), then can come back and Mass RDM once again. Although I could call other staff, but this is a possible scenario where everyone else is busy or asleep. I have been as dedicated as I possibly can, given it is my Senior year in high school. Lots of stress, and homework have been pressed on me. Yet I continue to return to Zarp as soon as I can. This also proves that I am very active, again, to the best of my ability. I thank you for taking your time to read my application, and hope you have a good rest of your meeting.