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TOPIC: [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application

[TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190576

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:

I have good experience, activity and attitude. I perform well and strive to go above "your normal staff member" (by that I mean the kind of staff members who does the bare minimum/"enough"). I’ll be going into detail about this and more below.

What makes you a good candidate?


I’m experienced and know the rules very well. I clarify them when needed or changed/corrected if I feel it's necessary for the betterment of the server (by bringing it to the attention of the Lead Team). I've held multiple Lead Team positions on different communities throughout my time playing TTT these past 7-8 years. Whilst being within Zarp I’ve never been abusive or anything of the sort and therefore believe I’m very trustworthy, I believe that I’ve shown that I’m more than capable of this position in the past.

I’m more than able to carry my own weight whilst trying my hardest to cooperate with others and share the work there's available with as many staff as possible (this only applies in the sense that sometimes there can be some rather lazy people within the Staff Team/Lead Team and I try to help kick them into gear), though if worst comes to worst, I will carry out the tasks by myself if I must and deal with them in a harsher manner (one can hope this may no longer be the case within the Lead Team, but the last time I was around as a Head Administrator there was a serious lack of enthusiasm as some people would neglect their staff duties, not that I’ll be more able to deal with Lead Team members as a Super Administrator, but it’d at least make it easier to deal with Moderators and Administrators).

Within the past 2 months of being back I’ve noticed a rather poor quality of staffing from certain individuals mostly regarding cheaters and bans, but not limited to just that. I would therefore like to help raise the standards of the TTT staff team in those regards amongst some others (mind you that I've already been doing so, however as I stated above being a Lead Team member would make it a lot easier to enforce). If I see a staff member making mistakes I try to reach out to them to help, though there have been a few cases where they don’t care/don’t listen, which have been a little frustrating and I had to contact a Lead Team member about it).


In game I try to keep a consistent activity whilst fulfilling my staffing duties to the best of my abilities, though I tend to dedicate a lot of time on my own little projects as well, such as creating tools for the staff team (I actually have a few projects in the works again so hopefully you'll be able to see them come to fruition) or improving and maintaining tools like the Spreadsheet, Worksheet, information thread, Onenote, etc. Because of this I may not always have the highest time in game, but I’ll have put a lot of hours into the community elsewhere.

I attend as many meetings as possible, and speak my mind on the applicants. I am on TeamSpeak & TTT often to talk/interact with the community and to be contacted about anything although it is a bit tougher nowadays as much as I used to since it's kind of dead on there most of the time. I will obviously be on both Steam and Discord throughout most of the day to be contacted, following ongoing conversations and requests.

I was a little less active for a couple of days a week ago, which is why I revoked my last application, I should be starting to on more again.


I’m active on the forums and check it as often as I can ~ multiple times a day (I don’t always post on each and every thread, only when I feel like it’s necessary, when something has been left out and I can contribute as I feel it is extremely unnecessary to be posting the same thing over and over, which is something that tends to happen quite a lot sadly).

When responding to applications I will thoroughly read their application and look into everything I can about them, (which I feel most people stray away from) and give my honest opinion and tell them what they can improve on and what they're doing right (activity, recent punishments, attitude, the application itself, etc.). I try to keep the negativity in my posts to a minimum an example of this would be the fact that I never use the “minussp”, this is all to try to prevent people from getting discouraged, saddened or the like. This will hopefully make it so they can improve and therefore have a better chance of getting accepted.

I’ve handled many appeals/report abuses both by myself & with other staff members. When responding to an appeal or report abuse, I write my conclusion in detail to hopefully avoid any unnecessary confusion.


I’m a dedicated hard-working individual who takes his work seriously while also trying to “keep things fun”. I have a good attitude towards others and my work, I may act silly at times, but I’m mature when I have too. I'm always kind and honest to other staff & players, I treat everyone fairly and equally. If there are any questions, I will always be helpful by answering to the best of my ability.

I try my best not to be biased towards others or in anything I do (given that it’s part of human nature I obviously can’t help but being bais sometimes whether I’m aware of it or not, however I encourage you to take it up with me if it’s something that bothers you), I’m very forgiving, and believe in second chances, if given the opportunity I will give the most lenient “punishment” possible.

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle, and required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

I have not encountered such a situation where a Lead Team member was needed, the only thing that would come close would be if there's a cheater online, which I'd "work around" by collecting evidence to be brought up in the meeting by recording them. If a Lead Team member was actually needed I would not be able to work around it.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

I’m assuming the template has been used and filled in correctly, if not I would refer to the it and possibly offer my help with filling it out. I would announce that I’m handling the report to let both the person reporting and the staff team know that it's being handled and then read through the report to make sure I have a good grasp of the situation. I would then contact the victim that made the report against the staff member to hear their side of the story. Lastly before making my conclusion I would contact the reported staff member for their side of the story. I may need to ask other lead team members for their opinion if it's a particularly challenging situation. I would make my response as detailed as possible and try not to leave anything out to ensure not to cause any unnecessary confusion.

  • If the report abuse has been accepted, I'd reply with:

Hello "insert name here"!

I’ve read through your report, the following comments and reviewed your evidence, I've spoken with the staff member responsible and they know better now and are sorry for their actions and would like to apologize for their mistake. If another case like this appears further action will be taken. Thank you for taking the time to make this report, it is much appreciated!

This has been:

Real example:

  • If the report abuse has been denied, I'd reply with:

    Hello "insert name here"!

    I’ve read through your report, the following comments and talked with the staff member in question. Because of a lack of evidence there's sadly nothing more that can be done about this situation as there's nothing to prove that he was in the wrong. In the future make sure to provide evidence when making a report to ensure that we can take action on these matters. Thank you for taking the time to make this report, it is much appreciated! Please do so again in the future if you feel it is necessary.

    This has been

    Real example:

    Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
    A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?

    I would preferably have the staff member come on TeamSpeak because it would be easier to communicate on there (I think this goes for most of the situations, but especially a case like this where I’d like to make sure they know how to deal with it properly). However messaging them through Steam, Discord or Admin chat would be manageable. I'd ask the staff member why he thought it was an appropriate length of time to ban the user and correct him by telling him the length he should’ve given. I would tell him how to properly handle the situation to insure that he does not ban players for longer than needed by explaining to him how we take prior punishments into consideration when banning a user and refer to this guide as it's been very helpful to me and a lot of other staff members. I would then make sure that the players ban is corrected. If the staff member in question continues to ban excessively further action will be taken.

    Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
    A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?

    I would help the staff member out by guiding them towards the right direction, but I would try not to tell them exactly how I'd do it. Potentially refreshing them on our rules & ethos or whatever it is they're struggling with to help them out. When they’ve finished the case, I may tell them what they can improve on in the future if it's needed, depending on how they did a retraining may be a necessity.

    Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
    A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?

    I'd hear what he has to say and ask for any evidence of the staff member breaking the rules. If the evidence proves that the staff member did indeed break the rules, I would talk with them to hopefully ensure that this does not happen again in the future (this obviously depends on the seriousness of the rule breaking). If no evidence was provided or it is invalid, and the staff member denied breaking any rules I would not take any action (although I would keep it in mind if any other cases should occur in the future). Depending on the situation I may or may not contact the accused staff member if I feel it necessary to hear what he has to say.

    Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
    A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?

    I’d ask the two staff members involved to calm down. If they continue arguing I would remind them that this is unacceptable, and they should remain respectful towards each other because they’re representing the server/staff team (and it obviously isn’t civil). Afterwards I would try to resolve the issue at hand by speaking with the staff member who sparked the argument. I’d ask him what happened and hear them out. I’d tell him that what he did was wrong, and I would ensure that this does not happen again in the future. I would then talk with the other staff members and hear his side of the story, tell him the other perspective on the matter, and try to resolve the situation. Afterwards I’d get the two staff members in a chat to talk it over (whilst I'm supervising them). If one of the staff members involved does not wish to resolve the issue at hand, I’d bring it up with the other Lead Team members or latest in the next Lead Team meeting.

    Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
    You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?

    I’d contact the rule breaking staff member and to stop him from causing more harm whilst getting them on TeamSpeak of possible. I’d then make sure that he’s aware of what he has done wrong, and that no users are further harmed. I’d apologize to the users affected by the incident and assure them that this will be dealt with. Depending on the seriousness of the abuse I would:

  • For more serious abuse:

  • I'd emergency demote the staff member because he used his powers in a way that is not allowed, causing more harm than good. I would tell the staff member why he was demoted to not cause any unnecessary confusion and try to get a Head Administrator involved. I would inform the other Lead Team members why he has been emergency demoted and bring him up in the next lead team meeting as that is what the policy states (the lead team must vote on whether to keep the demotion in place). An emergency demotion should only be done when there is an emergency, such as a staff member mass abusing their powers or a staff member failing to desist abusive behavior.

  • For less serious abuse:

  • I’d give them a verbal warning and makes sure that he’s 100% aware that what he did was wrong and that it should not happen again. They may be a new staff member or at least not known for doing anything to intentionally harm anyone. Lastly, he’d be brought up in the next lead team meeting to discuss whether any further action is needed.
    Thank you for reading my application, any form of feedback would be much appreciated!
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    Zarp Slave
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190584

    :plussp: yup B)
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190588

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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190590

    One of the only peeps i remember. <333333
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190635

    A dead meme but a good meme
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    "Audaces fortuna iuvat" - Fortune favors the brave.

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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190636

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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190702

    Darling wrote:
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    ♠ Ex-TTT Head Administrator ♠

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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190852

    Deserve to be promoted as super admin this week,
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    Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by God dammit Ross.
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190853

    :support: eZ SA
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190920

    bump i support u cus gay
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190932

    Nina's attitude towards users on the server:

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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190934

    Jim_Jam wrote:
    Nina's attitude towards users on the server:


    This is quite an accurate exhibit of Nina's perpetual misconduct on the server. :omegalul:
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1190937

    Nina on the server
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    Ex TTT Admin
    "Audaces fortuna iuvat" - Fortune favors the brave.

    Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by Longshot.
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191586

    Nina told me to bump his app. There you go buddy
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191587

    TheRealNepgear wrote:
    Nina told me to bump his app. There you go buddy

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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191588

    Perfect candidate! Perfect guy! Perfect bird!

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    Plus Ultra!

    EX TTT Super Administrator x3

    EX TTT Head Admin
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191589

    Nina wrote:
    TheRealNepgear wrote:
    Nina told me to bump his app. There you go buddy


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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Nina, Mr. Richard

    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191590

    TheRealNepgear wrote:
    Nina wrote:
    TheRealNepgear wrote:
    Nina told me to bump his app. There you go buddy


    The Techno Union approves
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191599

    :accepted: :pinch: :P :( ;) :P :angry: :huh: :dry: :dry: :lol: :lol: :? :? :huh: :ohmy: :ohmy: :unsure: :angry: :P ;) :cheer: :) :( B) :support:
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    [TTT Super Administrator] Nina's Application 5 years 1 month ago #1191708

    clearly not English
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    ♠ Ex-TTT Head Administrator ♠

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