RP Name:
Time Zone
PST (Pasific Standard Time) California
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time:
1565+ hours
Languages I speak:
Give and explain 3 situations in which it would be appropriate to use the ban command:
Situation 1: User X is mass rdming spawn, propblocking, and has no intent to RP. When asked to remove the props and quit the RDM, the user just avoids explaining their actions and continues to rulebreak. After checking their rapsheet this is not their first offense, and they have deserved a ban.
Situation 2: User X has scammed user Y and a ban request was made on the forums, there is clear evidence of user X scamming user Y and user X’s STEAMID was captured. After handling the report, you must ban user X for the appropriate reason.
Situation 3: User X has RDM’ed user Y and user Y has made a F1 report about it, while user Y is explaining what happened and showing video evidence, user X has left the server, after reviewing the video evidence it is clear that user X committed RDM, Now you must offline warn user X by using their STEAMID and banning them for 1 minute.
Explain in detail the main functions of the F1 menu and how this can be used to help you deal with situations on the server:
The F1 menu is a great utility with great features. The first feature you are faced with when you open the F1 menu is the current report page. This page can show you all reports that were made that are 1. Not being handled, 2. Being handled but are not finished, and 3, what report was made first. This menu shows the users in game name and steamid, and you can handle the report, right click the report, and teleport to them. The second page is logs, the logs show deaths, arrests, joins, leaves, and most things normal logs have. (NO DAMAGE LOGS.) When a person is killed it shows what weapon they were killed with and what district they were killed in. The last important page of the F1 Menu is active NLR, this page shows users who currently have NLR, and it shows then the NLR ends.
Explain in detail how you would handle the following situation:
You witness Player A being verbally abusive towards you through voice/chat whilst you are carrying out your administrative duties.
If a player decides to be verbally abusive to me while i am in an admin sit, i would ask them to stop, or else they will be punished, and if the user continues to spew toxicity, they will be muted for 5 minutes depending on what was said through the conversation.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that another admin banned them permanently for prop-spam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
(i would speak to the staff who banned them and if we agree to unban them i would do this)
I have reviewed your ban appeal and after speaking with the staff member who banned you, we have come to the conclusion to accept your appeal. If you are caught rule breaking again, it can possibly lead to even worse punishment and it will not look good for your rapsheet. Please review the !motd again to make sure you are all caught up with the new rules that may have been added when you were gone, Thanks for your appeal and time, Welcome back!
Why I should be promoted(we recommend around 150 words):
I would like to start off by saying that I have months of Admin experience, I was an admin until I resigned because I did not have the time to play on the server and there was hardly anyone playing in my timezone. But now that I have been back, I have familiarized myself with the new rules implemented, and I have regained my position as Moderator already. Staffing is a blast for me and in my opinion it makes zarp more fun. Since the admin rank gives you more tools to work with to deal with rule breakers, I would love to go for it again since it makes dealing with rule breakers smoother. Thank you all for reading my application and best of luck to anyone else going for any staff position! -Hiro