Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Knuthulhu's Steam
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Knuthulhu's Gametracker
Languages I speak:
Swedish & English
What is Ghosting? and give an example
Ghosting is when a dead player helps another player, For example telling them which platform is safe and which one isn't.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?
I would start of by telling them to stop, a verbal warning. if the player that is being disrespectful doesn't stop after being told to stop multiple times I would Mute/Gag them.
Why I should be chosen
I've delt with mic spammers, People being racist and disrespectful, People threatening other people and more as an Administrator on Surf and Moderator on Bunny Hop, This has given me alot of experiance which is why I think I could be a Moderator on Deathrun aswell. Im a nice and helpful person. I have a lot of patience when it comes to dealing with rulebreakers(With this i mean that i don't just mute them immediately, I take my time and explain to them what they've done wrong, why they can't do, and only after that i would mute someone). Unfortunatly there has been a rise in
Very disrespectful and and racist players on the Deathrun server and they completly ruin the game for everyone and I wanna help to make this kind of behaviour stop.
Not the best activity due to there's just not that many people online