Steam Name: InteriorInflux
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: I speak English, I little bit of Dutch (Like really little) and a small amount of French.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is a term used to pinpoint when a player randomly kills other players without valid reasoning.
For example, if a traitor kills another traitor buddy, that would be considered RDM as there is no reason to kill a buddy.
Also, if an innocent just randomly decides to up and shoot another innocent without any suspicion or evidence, it will be regarded as RDM.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Three examples of an acceptable KOS are:
Seen shooting a proven innocent
Seen holding a traitor weapon
Calling a random KOS on someone for no valid reason and being proven wrong.
In all of these scenarios, the players wouldn't necessarily hunt down the person with a KOS called on them, but they would, however, kill them if they see them. Hence the name, Kill On Sight.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Unacceptable KOS's would be:
KOSing because you heard Shotgun sounds and you saw someone with a shotgun.
KOSing someone because you think they killed someone near you and the shot came from their general direction
In both of these scenarios, the person calling the KOS would need to be spoken to, warned, and taught that making a KOS based on assumptions aren't valid reasons to kill someone.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I believe I should be chosen because I used to play on Zarp Gaming TTT as much as I was able to. I decided when I last used to play that I would try to help the server as much as I could. When I started playing again recently, even though my playtime had reset. I still had my stuff so I didn't have to rework for the stuff I had already got, this gave me more time to evaluate the server processes and get used to the people on it, they are mostly nice people. So here I am, deciding I am going to apply for staff so that I can help the server to continue as a happy atmosphere. I would like to help people the same way I was helped when I first joined the server. Connecting with people is something I enjoy doing and helping people is something I would want to do.
Now, don't get me wrong, I actually applied last week so I could get some constructive criticism, which I actually was happy with what I got. I was told to reapply in the next week. So here I am, exactly 7 days after my last application, coming back to try to help the server.