Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM or random death match is when one player kills another without a valid reason for doing so. For example, killing a player who just came out the nether just after the t traps were just enabled.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1- Someone attacked you for no valid reason.
e.g. Someone ran upto you at the start of the round and shot you and then ran off again.
2- Someone threw random nade .
e.g. Someone runs up to the tester and throws a inc grenade at the people testing .
3-Refusing to stand still for the portable tester.
e.g. After the detective has given two written warnings for someone to stop and turn around for the portable tester and they don't comply then they can be kosed.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1- If someone tries to get another to test but isn't a d then even if they give written warnings to test they cant kos that person.
e.g. I ask Buffy to test as an innocent and give him two warns and Buffy still doesn't test i cannot then kos them for that.
2- If you walk into a room and player 1 shoots player 2 and you don't give anytime for player 1 to id the body before you kos them.
e.g If I see Buffy shoot and kill Jim Jam and as he's walking over to the body to id it i kos him.
Why I should be chosen :
Hello, my name is Ezz and i want to become a moderator to help the community. In the last month or so i have become way more active in g-mod and i have been looking for a server to play on frequently. I found this one and i very much enjoyed it and i want to help other players enjoy playing ttt on this server too by doing anything from answering questions like how do i report someone or to help someone by telling them the discord link to warning a person for rdm or such. I have a lot of experience being staff in gmod as i was a mod for a few months and later on an admin for quite a while on a ttt server known as Although the rule sets are fairly different between the two servers, i still think you learn alot from previous experience such as how to handle doing the logs on a busy night or when to or when not to warn someone for something they have done.
Thanks for reading my application and i would appreciate any feedback.