♛BossComic23♛'s Application
Steam Name:
Time Zone:
GMT +1:00
Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for?
TTT <3
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
50243mins+ | 837hours+
Languages I speak:
English & Welsh
Why Me?:
As a staff member, I always need and try to act professionally, as difficult behaviour can influence other staff members and users to act the same. When I am on the server I always speak to users when playing and answering questions. When a user or staff asks me a question I will always answer professionally and in a calm manner. Sometimes when users are very aggressive and act in a wrong manner I will always keep calm and just ask them to calm down. Even when users are screaming rude or offensive words and phrases at me I will ignore them and only punish them correctly.
As a member of the LeadTeam, I always know my expectations and always help out when I am needed and even when it's not to do with TTT, on the server and off. I am always online and I usually come online, on Steam/Discord/TeamSpeak/the Forums/TTT, and I always try to respond to any contact requests from users or other staff members. As a LeadTeam member, I am always helpful to other staff members and users, with anything they ask and sometimes just give input and express my own opinion to help them improve. If I feel someone is struggling with anything, I talk to them and talk them through whatever situation they do not understand. I usually spend a lot of time on TTT because I actually like the gamemode. I am very active with my fellow staff members via TeamSpeak, Discord, Steam, the Forums.
I Joined this community on June 10th, 2017. I worked my way up the ranks within TTT and I worked hard to get HeadAdmin around last September. In that time I also gained Moderator on SSRP. I then Resigned 10 months ago as my PC sadly broke and I didn't want to be holding up a spot for any worthy candidates for the LeadTeam. I come back to the community roughly around April and since I have been back, I have enjoyed every second of it. After that, I was accepted as Super Admin around 2 months ago from now, and since then I have been doing my job really well, in my opinion.
Forums, TS3 & Discord:
I always give feedback on the forums to whoever and whatever the thread is about. I will always give feedback to user's applications and give my opinion and helpful tips about them, and I always give feedback on warn appeals and report abuses to help the staff member who handling it a tip, or just my opinion to help them and give good feedback to the user. Also, I respond to any suggestions and I have even made some myself. I am always on TS3 and Discord to be always available for chats and if someone needs me, I will always come on online to help and respond fairly quickly to whatever they need of me. I spend a great deal of time refreshing the forums very often everyday so I can keep up-to-date with whatever is going on. I also spend a great deal of time on TeamSpeak talking the users and my fellow staff members, this makes me very accessible the anyone that needs me for whatever reason. I also spend a lot of time on Discord responding and talking to my fellow staff members and helping them with anything they need. My responses to applications on the forums are always professional and I always help the applicant to the best of my ability. My feedback to anything is always professional and acceptable with great detail and thought.
In meetings, I am always very active and I never miss them. I always when needed, respond to people and what they have to say about an applicant. If I was to disagree with them, I would speak up and give my opinion on the situation and talk about if they should be accepted or not. I always vote on applications that I think is the best outcome for the whole staff team. I always express my opinion professionally and to the best of my ability, so I can help the staff team decide the best outcome for the team. In LeadTeam meetings, I always bring up different things that are required, Cheaters, Staff Members, etc, and I would speak and voice my opinion very well to again help my fellow LT members to choose the right decision that benefits the staff team/server.
As I have said above, I am very active on all services so I am very easily contacted and very active within and services. On TeamSpeak I am always talking to other staff members and users, and if they ask anything that is needed of me I will always aid them. On the Forums, I always respond to all TTT related threads with the best feedback that will help that user out with anything they are doing. On Discord, I always talk to people and sometimes get involved in different conversations and answer any questions they ask. On TTT, I am a very active player and I know a lot of the player base and staff.
Things That Could Benefit the HeadAdmin Team:
I am a very active player, as said above on all services so any staff and SuperAdmin can get in contact with me at any time to talk about anything they need to talk about. I always act in a professional manner in all different situations and always give the best feedback to help that person out with whatever they are doing/wishing to do. I have past experience within the HeadAmdin team and very big knowledge in the SuperAmdin team.
LeadTeam Duties:
I always complete my duties as fast as possible and always do it to the best of my ability. Whenever the meeting is about to start I fill in staff members activity and ask my fellow SuperAdmins and myself, to decide if any of them need to be brought up. With new staff members, I always add them to our LeadTeam spreadsheet and fill out the OneNote as soon as someone is needed. After every Cheater is said to be handled, I always add them the OneNote and ask the person handling it to fill out the dater they actually punish that user. Same with staff members. Whenever someone doesn't get their weekly needed activity, I add them to the OneNote and ask a different staff member to deal with them. I always keep the LeadTeam spreadsheet and the LeadTeam OneNote up-to-date.
I always act in a professional manner and I can always can be contacted on any service straightaway, I am very active on Teamspeak/the Forums/Discord/TTT, and I always help other staff members and users with any problems they have or any questions they have. I always keep up-to-date with the LeadTeam items and always add different things to the correct locations. I am dedicated to TTT as I like the gamemode and actually enjoy it. etc
Feedback Would be Nice. Thanks in Advanced.