Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
Dutch / English / Turkish
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is when a player kills another player without having any reason/proof this is for Detectives and Inno's
Traitors can only RDM by killing other Traitors
Example scenario:
A player randomly starts killing other players (if he kills more than three players he is committing a MassRDM").
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Example 1: When Detective gives 3 warnings in chat for not Testing he can call KOS on someone
Example 2: When a Traitor shot an Inno/Detective than he can call KOS on the Traitor
Example 3: When Someone seen that another player throws an Inc/Disc nade they can call KOS
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Example 1: Tester, as an Inno you cannot Force test another player and set a KOS on him if he refuses
Example 2: Calling KOS on a Skin (KOS the guy with the Rick Sanchez skin) is not an acceptaqble KOS reason
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
Hello let me introduce myself:
My name is Giray, i am 24 years old, Born in the Netherlands as a Turkish guy.
I am fulltime working as IT Support Engineer for a few years now.
When i Get home i feed my stomach and (most of the times) start playing GMOD ZARP TTT
I would like to support this server by helping the Staff team, i have been here for a "long" time now.
Whenever i play i help people who just started on this server by answering questions, also old players if they don't understand a thing.
I'm always in to Explain and Help whenever i am online.
Also i know a few staff member by playing (Daily) well im not able to play everyday but i try to!
I have never been Staff on GMOD before on other (Different) games i have been staff like, Examples:
Minecraft : Server Owner // Co-Owner // Admin
GunZ the Duel : Game Master // Event Master // Developer
(and a few more)
It has nothing to do with GMOD, but i do atleast have Experience as Staff member on different games, which is also important (in my opinion).
Thank you all for reading my Appication.