Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
English & Welsh
Jailbreak Related:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match, also know as RDM. User x kills user y for no valid reason. Guard 1 walks up to prisoner 1 and shoots and kills him for no valid reason.
Give 3 examples of an automatic Freeday:
Example One: The warden is not selected.
Example Two: Prisoners cell doors are opened before the warden has given orders.
Example Three: If cell doors are not open by 8:30.
How would you deal with a warden with no mic?:
Firstly, I would polity ask the warden if they have a microphone. If they no i will tell everyone that today is a freeday and ask the warden if no microphone the not go warden again. If they say yes, i will just ask them the use it.
Choose one rule not already mentioned in the application and explain it in detail:
Cell Door: Users cannot block any doors and stop people from entering them/leaving them. Also, once the cell doors are open, they cannot be closed again under any situation.Even if a prisoner opens cell doors, they cannot be closed again.
Why I should be chosen:(we recommend around 100 words)
Firstly, I am a ex TTT Head Admin, ex SSRP Mod, and currently I am a TTT Admin and a SSRP Mod. I have been in the community for a long time so I have gained the trust of many people and staff members.
Teamspeak/Forums/Game Activity
I am very active on TTT and SSRP so I have enough time to play on jailbreak a lot too. I log into the forums everyday to check any new posts and I also give constructive feedback to any post. Also, I ma very active on teamspeak so people can reach me at anytime and also by messaging me on steam/discord.
I also act in a professional manner towards all staff and users, even if there is a conflict between me and the other person.
Thank you for reading my application. I know I could fit in more detail but I can't think of anything else to say and it doesn't require much detail.Feedback would be nice.