Steam Name:
RP (Ingame) Name:
Steam URL:
Do you have a donator rank:
Your playtime on all servers (minimum one day):
2 day's
Are you on our Discord? (Name and Discord ID):
I am, and my discord name is: jakeboy1024
United Kingdom
Time-Zone (e.g UTC, BST):
Age (Minimum 14):
I am 14 years old.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? (This is not a requirement but makes everything easier):
How many warnings do you have on the server? (Under 5 recommended):
I think I got 2 warning, I just can't remember what for.
Have you been banned/kicked on the server? (If so state why)
Have you read the Staff Rules?:
Do you have past experience of being Staff? (If so state the rank and your tasks):
How much time could you spend on the server in an average week?:
well i could play for 5 hours and weekends 24 hours
What values would you add to the team? (minimum 100 words):
When I'm playing on server, I don't see many Admins/Moderators on. and they all start breaking the rules as soon as all Admins have gone offline. I would be able to observe players if I think they're breaking rules.
Why do you want to be staff? (minimum 150 words):
Because I want to help make the server a better place for players. I am familiar with a lot of the commands as my friend had a tester DarkRP server! (Basically just a place for us to test out the commands) It will take some time getting used to the commands again but I can manage! Being a staff member would enable me to
Tell us more about yourself (minimum 150 words):
My name is jake
, and have anger issues, but I've gotten quite good at controlling it! Grammar is really important to me but I don't mind if people aren't using it. I also love music, . My favorite game would be Garry's Mod. just because I can play DarkRP! Zarp Gaming is my all-time favorite DarkRP server, And always will be!