Steam Name:jenkshouse1
Link to Steam
Link to GameTracker for the
Server 1:
Languages I speak:I have spoken English my whole life, which is the only language I speak.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match (RDM) is when you kill someone without any reason e.g:
Player 1: *Walks around doing nothing*
Player 2: *Kills Player 1*
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Example one: The player has killed an innocent.
Player 1 (Innocent): "Hello."
Player 2: *Starts shooting the innocent* (KOS)
Example two: Entering a Traitor room e.g:
Player 1: *Walks into Traitor room*
Player 2: Shoots Player 1 or calls out KOS
Example three: Getting warned 3 times by a detective to go to the Traitor tester
Player 1 (Detective): "Get into the traitor tester, Warning 1... Warning 2... Warning 3..."
Player 2: *Refuses to go into the Traitor tester* (KOS)
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Example one: Suspicion
Player 1: *Acts Suspicious*
Player 2: *Shoots Player 1* (Not acceptable KOS)
Example two: Following another player without warning
Player 1: *Follows Player 2*
Player 2: *Shoots Player 1 for following him without a warning* (Not acceptable KOS)
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I think I should be chosen to be a loyal and trustworthy staff member because I am kind, friendly and always willing to help. I have very good experience with TTT and especially with being a staff member, my highest rank on TTT has been senior-admin which is the 4th promotion from the first rank. I have also been on the ZarpGaming TeamSpeak and Discord quite often. I am very familiar with the commands such as !slay !warn !slaynr !gag / !mute ect. With my total amount of hours on Gmod which is 728+ I have great knowledge of the game mechanics and role play. I would love to help out all of the members, staff and new players in ZarpGaming TTT.
Thank you for reading my application and I can't wait to read all of your responses.
Best Regards,