Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
~My Steam~
Link to GameTracker for the server:
~My Gametracker~
Languages I speak:
Google translate
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match (RDM) is the process of killing someone without cause, E.G. Player A runs up to player B and shoots them at the very start of the round repeatedly with the Uzi until they are dead, no cause, Player A is not a Traitor, they simply wanted to kill someone.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
It is acceptable to call out Kill on sight on multiple things however;
- A person is shooting from the tower at random players, if I see their name -and- them shooting at me or other players it is considered acceptable to call a Kill on sight on them.
- when a player has called out a KoS otherwise known as a 'Fake KoS' on an innocent and said innocent has been killed it is justifiable to then call a kill on sight on the person whom then killed them, or the person that called a Kill on sight on them.
- When a player has called a KoS on you, E.G. 'Gingerbeard is a traitor! Kill them!'
When you see someone plant C4
When you see someone with a T weapon
When you're a detective and have DNA on someone.
When someone is T-Baiting
When someone is bodyblocking you and refuses to move after acceptable warnings!
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
- as an innocent you randomly call a KoS on someone, E.G. Gingerbeard has not shot throughout the entire round, he's been a good little chappy, yet player A has then proceeded to call a KoS on him, and player A isn't a traitor. ( this may be considered RDM. )
- Meta-gruding, E.g. when Player A had previously killed player B, Player B then in the very next round calls out a Kill on sight on player A simply because of what happened in the previous round.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
Because I really, really, really want it?
No in truth I'm mature ( mostly. ) yet loves to have fun, I've actively made it a mission to tell people off whom are doing bad, I've spent many an hour in admin chats that i've requested on people so I can teach them how to play, and I am often the one people go to, to sort out disputes when their is no admins on. Why? because I am knowledgeable, and do not fear saying a mate's in the wrong if he is indeed in the wrong. I'm non-bias and I genuinely love to have fun. I know there's a certain level of commitment needed in the role i'm applying for and I'm alright with that. oh and I have a very handsome beard.
Also several people over the last few days have requested I make a moderator application as I've had, in the last 4 days more time on server then a lot of the admins have had in the last few weeks / months, not only this i'm generally looked at as a fun loving player!
I can also play at times when generally admins aren't playing.
I do indeed have a recent warn, one recent warn which had been a reason I had been denied in the past ( yet even then they wanted me to become a moderator so they genuinely asked me to reapply in 2 weeks time.. I didn't.. ) but this ones for a bit of fun to which even I would of gave myself a warn for!
A player was being abusive in their requests for a video then and their so I had in good spirits made a link to a certain.. shock site! ( it ryhmes with beat - spin ) uploaded it to tinyurl and posted it as a good-hearted laugh!
I've never been racist,
I've never made homophobic remarks
and I'm ginger.