Steam Name: Rick Johnson
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62875951
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Although it's still the old Murder Gametracker, I am placing this here for when they reset them. [1]
Languages I speak: English
Jailbreak Related:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match (RDM) is when a player will kill another for no reason at all.
Example One: A guard will kill a prisoner because he doesn't like his choice of music.
Example Two: A Warden will kill a prisoner despite the prisoner obeying his orders.
Example Three: On the previous map Adam voted for a different map to John so John kills Adam.
Give 3 examples of an automatic Freeday:
Example One: When it's the first round on a new map.
Example Two: If the Warden doesn't give orders and the cells open.
Example Three: If the cells do not open and the round passes 8:30 without orders being given.
How would you deal with a warden with no mic?:
Since the Warden would be using chat and would not have a mic I would ask him to switch off of Warden and force a free day, since he's using chat to give orders, which isn't allowed according to rule 2.1. Either that I would have to slay the Warden.
Choose one rule not already mentioned in the application and explain it in detail:
Rule One: 2.3 Doors - Prisoners must not block doors to prevent either team mates or guards entering specific areas, for example Brian blocks the only entrance that a defiant prisoner is hiding in. There are also other items that fall under this rule.
Rule Two: 2.5 Fists - Prisoners must not force each other into KOS areas by pushing each other, they also should not punch each other unless ordered to by a Warden, for example a fist fight.
Rule Three: 5.2 Deathtraps - Guards & Wardens may not force or order prisoners into areas that would force them to be KOS, for example John the warden forces Peter to jump off of the roof of the prison.
Why I should be chosen:
I was staff on the previous Jailbreak server ZARP had back in early 2014, I made it as far as the Administrator rank and lasted until the server had to be removed due to it's player base disappearing and it not getting any players at all. I believe I will be a good candidate as I have amazing activity on Garry's Mod and will do on Jailbreak. I am an active, consistent player on SSRP and the forums. I am a very dedicated staff member and I am very professional. I am a good team leader and I am hoping to help Jailbreak thrive as a gamemode. I am very confident with how FAdmin works and how to deal with defiant users.
Link to my first Jailbreak application
Thanks for taking the time to read my application, I understand it is a very early point to be making an application but I felt I should.
[1]If I could find my old Gametrackers for the old Jailbreak server I would but I am unable to.
Thanks for reading hope you like it