Steam Name: KingOfTheDed
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:112631497
Link to GameTracker:
Languages I speak: English and Russian
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is basicly abbreviation of words Random Death Match, so its when non traitors or detective start shoting people without a reason or legit kos, for example: man 1 jumped from the tower and man 2 just killing or causing damage to him just because he think this isnt right.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
3 examples of an acceptable kos and its scenario:
1. Pushing somebody from a cliff or into hazard area. Example(Somebody pushed a man into a lava with crowbar in hell)
2. Calling a kos on someone who just went in only traitors room and dont died. Example(If I saw player 1 entering the only traitor room and then coming out from hell, its kosable)
3. Calling a kos on someone who didnt id body or saw c4 and didnt tell about it. Example(Somebody ran out from room where is every died human body unchecked)
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
2 examples of an unacceptable kos and its scenario:
1. Calling a kos on AFK player. Example(Kos player 1 because he isnt moving)
2. Calling a kos on damaged player. Example(Kos him he is damaged that means he was in gunfight)
Why I should be chosen: Well I already had been moderator and admin for some time, but for irl reason was literally dead for like 3 month and only now have an opportunity to get back to TTT, I really like this community with all my heart, I do understand that right now I have litteraly 0 time played in past month, but I truly can say that I will try my best to be good moderator this time!
This app is meant to be applied in next week ! Just want to see some people write their opinion on it.