Steam Name: ImRock
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116093944
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:
(pretty sure I've had more than 170 hours on the server, nvm remembered my old name was Rock)
Languages I speak:
Explain RDM and give an example
RDM can be interpreted as damaging another player albeit purposefully or accidental without any intent and can greatly deter the target. An example of RDM would be randomly shooting people as either an innocent or detective or shooting a traitor buddy as a T. This can also include killing or attempt to kill someone without proper evidence
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
One of the most common KOS reasons has to be the classic seeing a T or Innocent kill another person and either IDing the body and they're innocent or that they left the body and did not id it. In the case they decided to walk away, this could also be considered T baiting. However, if they are in the middle of shooting each other and you decide to shoot one, then usually this would qualify as joining a gunfight due to you not being able to confirm who it would be (unless there was previous proof or a kos).
Another example would be not responding to a force test. Despite this, it is only enforced if a detective has instructed you and has done at least 2 warnings and only then you can be used if it was directly from the detective. This would be suitable for a kos as you are deciding to not test either due to being a traitor or if you were an innocent, it would fall under T-baiting.
Another example of a valid KOS would be that if the target had KOSed an innocent. This is one of the more obvious KOS reasons along with killing an innocent as they had instructed the killing of the purpose and had indirectly killed them. This would be kosable as a traitor could have instructed this and there is no proof in favour of them.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
One example of an unacceptable kos would be if they had a similar or same skin of a user who went to a traitor only area such as the T room or the one below the tower. This would be an unacceptable kos on skins as it can easily cause innocents to be killed without any reason just because of their model and could also be considered metagame.
Another example of an unacceptable kos would be killing someone who had been in the tester and it shows as a traitor. This would be unacceptable and unfair as the traitor tester can be easily trapped to show read however can be rectified by simply testing once again. It would be a valid kos if they have tested twice and it shows red both times as it cannot be done twice.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
To be quite honest I believe I should be a moderator again because the first time I did fuck up pretty badly and I want to be able to contribute to the team once again. Also since last year it still seems that there are quite a lot of times during the week that there will be high amounts of people on and there would be no staff on (with an example being 40 users and no staff for an hour, what could go wrong) and at other times there are 7 staff on and 5 normal users on. I have quite a lot of uptime on the server and when I am on I have prolonged gameplay (as you can see with my activity I am usually on for at least 2 hours). And sure I did not do that many reports last time but that's only because I wanted to also play and I will ensure I am able to.
Despite the previously denied application, I am able to be mature and I did not intend for the application to be taken for that week as I thought it has to be approved first which took quite a while last time anyway.
Sorry i havent been active this week, had a lot of work due. Shouldnt happen again