Steam Name: CamrinIsDeaf
Link to Steam Profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150206609
Link to GameTracker:
Server 1:
Languages I speak: English and I am learning a bit of French.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: Random Death Match or RDM is simply when a innocent/detective kills someone on suspicion or for no reason. Traitors can be RDMed aswell by innocents or D's for no complete reason or just on sus again. Scenario: A Detective sees a random AFK and decides to shoot them (thinking they're a T) and doesn't decide to tell a staff member to forcespectate them.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and it's scenario:
1. Ignoring unidentified bodies/C4. Scenario: A player walking past a unidentified body would give you the ability to KOS them for not identifying the body.
2. Seeing a person in a Traitor only room. Scenario: Innocent sees someone walk into the Traitor Room and calls KOS on that person.
3. Attempting to hide/throw away the Golden Block or Diamonds from reaching tester/furnace. Scenario: A player finds a diamond block picks it up and then throws it in a unreachable position which is kosable.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. KOSing locations. Scenario: Player gets shot from someone in tower doesn't know the persons name so they call a KOS on Tower.
2. KOSing a skin. Scenario: Player gets shot from someone with a anime skin lets say and he doesn't know the name of the person so he calls a KOS on that skin.
Why I should be chosen: I want to be chosen because there has been many many times where I have been on TTT and there is no staff and there is 40 players and tons of RDM which I just hate so much and also the fact that I've heard Zarp TTT is needing staff. I also see Prop Abusing sometimes and I just wish that I could stop it because it really is annoying to get killed by someone throwing around a minecart. I think I should be chosen because sometimes there isn't staff on to stop RDM and sometimes it lasts quite long until most people leave and ruin the fun on ZARP TTT.