Mr. Fombasto's SSRP Admin Application
RP Name:
Mr. Fombasto
Link to Steam Profile:
Mr. Fombasto™
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 Server 2
Server 3
Picture of my activity ( All 3 servers mixed. )
Time In Minutes:
I'm certain my Gametracker profile is bugged because yesterday I played for more than 8 hours on the server and when i checked gametracker it showed only 178 minutes, most of the staff members know that i'm very active, i had lots of exams but in my second week i played everyday for at least an hour, now that i finished my exams i feel more than ready to apply for admin. EDIT: It happened more than 5 times already, i play a lot but Gametracker does not record any of my activity properly for some reason.
Estimated Server Time:
≈ 600 hours
Languages I speak:
English, Arabic.
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Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin:
My time as a moderator has been great! I have met almost all of the staff team and they are all nice, I spend most of my time in server 1 doing F1's, i helped as much as i could, sadly i felt powerless many times because there are lots of things that moderators can't do, like banning and offline warning etc, ( i get why we can't tho ). i also feel like i'm ready for the admin role because i'm sure i have seen all of the possible things you can see as a mod.
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Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user):
I've been to many situations where i needed more powers, for example i was handling a sit that had player a ( he was wanted ) and player b, we were on a roof and a cop came and tazed player a, the cop didnt leave the wanted player " he was pressing right click " i tped to that cop and asked him to stop, he refused to and i told him that we are in a f1 sit and he refused to again.
i was about to slay him but player b killed him, the cop immediately respawned and revenge rdmed both of them after that they all started killing each other, of course i froze all of them, but the thing is that in the beginning i didn't have time to select the cop from the tab menu or to get his steam id to freeze him, and when i did copy his steam id the second player killed him, it all happened very fast, if i were an admin i would've easily frozen that guy using my physics gun and the sit would've ended much faster.
to be honest that wasn't that bad, at least i can do something about it ( freeze them all ), but other than that sit i'd say bans, many players mass rdm and leave to avoid punishment, in this case i ask admins on the server to ban them and if there are no admins online i ask admins on Zarp's discord server to do that.
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If you had to write a facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?:
Congratulations! The staff team has accepted your mod application!
in this post i'll run you through the basics of being a mod, i made this guide so i can teach you how to use the new commands and menus you have access to now, well lets get started then, shall we?
first of all you have to make sure that you don't warn or punish players for anything unless you are certain that it's not allowed, when there's a sit about something that isn't listed in the rules don't be afraid to ask admins in the admin chat, i'll tell you how to use it
The Admin Chat: Ok say for example you're asking about Carjacking, whether it's allowed or not ( just as an example ).
type: @Is carjacking allowed? OR ///Is carjacking allowed?
all of the online staff members are going to see it, an example would be if you find a player who's prop spamming and you need an admin to ban him, you can use it for lots of other things too.
F1 Menu you're going to notice that it's not like the old one you had when you weren't a mod, in this menu you have a lot of very useful things.
When people make f1s you're going to find them in the Admin Requests tab, you can press right click on it and press Discard as spam or abuse if someone's spamming f1 requests, and you can press ( Handle this f1 ), if you do that you're going to have more options:
1. Go to. ( as you can tell, you tp yourself to the player )
2. Bring. ( you bring the player to you, Do Not bring him before asking if he's busy or not, you might tp a player while he's raiding a base or something, so Go to him first and ask him if you can tp him or not.
3. Mark As Finished. ( lets you finish the f1 )
4. Abort Handling this F1. ( if you have to leave you can abort handling the f1 so other admins can help, or if the F1 requires you to be an admin or higher you can just abort handling it and ask a staff member higher than you to handle it. )
5. Copy ( you can copy the Reason of the F1, Or the Steam ID of the player who made the f1, or the time when the player made the F1
ok so that's it for the first tab, it's easy isn't it ?
Warnings: That's the second tab, you can find recent warns in here and the name of the staff member who warned the player.
Logging: This tab shows you everything, Deaths/Kills/Job Changes/Arrests/Name Changes etc, you can search in this tab with either the player's Steam ID or Name, but using the Steam ID is much better cause some players RDM then change their name, using the Steam ID is going to show that and is going to make your job much easier.
Active NLR: This tab shows you the Active NLR Timers that players have, when you hover over players you can see their NLR timers if they have NLR, this tab does the same thing but it shows all players, it helps a lot in F1 sits, but don't forget that it only contains Active NLR timers, so if a player had NLR and his timer finished you wont find him in there, you're going to find him in the Logging tab.
Okay, we're done with the F1 menu! now the F6 menu
RapSheet: If you want to check recent warnings for a player for any possible reasons you're going to find them here, just press on the search bar on the top left corner and you're going to find all of the online players, if you want to find an offline player's RapSheet press on ( Search ) and put the player's steam id, it's going to show you all of his warnings, One thing worth noting is that Red warns are recent and the black ones aren't.
Okay! now the Tab Menu
The tab menu now has lots of things, if you hold tab and click on a player you're going to find many new things such as:
1. Kick ok so this command is very important, if a guy is prop spamming ( you can check on the console to see who's spawning props and using toolguns ) - you can kick the player, why? because if you don't the server might crash so don't use it unless there's something important! you can use the command /kick too, but i dont recommend it cause you'll have to type the steam id and the duration and the reason, the tab menu is much faster in my opinion.
2.Mute Chat as you can probably tell, if someone's spamming in OOC tell them to stop, or if a player was advertising a server on gmod for example you can mute them for 5 minutes or so depending on the situation, use it wisely!
3. RapSheet This button does exactly what the F6 menu does, except it's faster, you can use any of them.
4. Unban From Job if a player got demoted for an invalid reason you can unban him from his job. it happens rarely tho as they removed the old demote button, now they have to use /demote.
5. Freeze: when you click on it you're going to get how much time you want to freeze the player for, if someone's mass rdming you can freeze him so he wont escape, you can use the command by typing:/freeze " Steam ID "
6. Slay when you press on it you'll get 4 options, Normal / Silent / Explode / Rocket, the Normal is just a normal death, the Silent kills him silently ( he just disappears ). the Explode explodes him of course, and the Rocket 'my favorite' launches him far in the sky and explodes him.
7. Mute Globally: Mutes voice chat, if he's spamming in voice chat you can mute him.
8. Go to & Bring & Teleport & Back Ok so they do exactly what i said before on the F1 menu, "Go to" lets you go to him and Bring brings him to you or any other player ( if you use tab ) And Teleport teleports him to the place you're aiming at, and Back lets you tp him back to his last location or to spawn.
you can also use these as commands: 1. /teleport "Steam ID" ' 2. /goto "Steam ID" ' 3. /Bring "Steam ID" ' 4. /back "Steam ID" and /backspawn "Steam ID" you can use names instead of Steam IDs but i don't recommend that, if 2 players have similar names you might choose the wrong guy, and the main difference between teleport and bring is that if a player is dead bring revives him and TPs him to you, but if the player was dead and you used teleport it wont tp him.
/Warn this command lets you warn people, if a player makes a small mistake and he doesn't have recent warns you can give him a verbal warn, if he does it again you can warn him using this command " you decide whether to verbally warn him or to use the /warn command ", the way you use the command is: /warn " Steam ID " " Reason " & /unwarn " Steam ID " be careful when using this command, if you type a wrong reason or warn the wrong guy you can use the /unwarn command.
/rules | !rules | /motd | you can use all of these commands to open the SSRP Rules List.
Admin Tool: This tool lets you check fading doors and keypads, it's very useful in F1s about Prop Block, you just press left click on the fading door or the keypad and it shows you everything connected to it.
Last but not least: The Mod On Duty job this is a non-RP job so if you are a mod on duty you can't kill or wear suits or RP in any way, i suggest using it when you are handling F1s, you can handle F1s with other jobs too tho, if you want you can use it if you don't it's okay.
Okay so this is pretty much everything you need to know about the new Commands & Menus, if you need any help you can ask staff members in the admin chat Or you can add me on steam if you want to, Congrats again for entering the staff team and have a great day!
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Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that another admin banned them permanently for prop-spam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
I would first check his RapSheet to see who's the staff member that banned him, i'll then add him and talk to him about this unban appeal, we'll talk about it and decide whether he deserves to get his ban duration reduced or not, if he got banned long time ago and he had no serious recents like prop spam we'll think about reducing it, only if he proved to us that he changed and that he won't do it again, if he did then i'll accept his unban appeal.
Hello Player X! Me and the staff member who banned you discussed about your ban, you showed effort in your appeal and it looks like you learned from your mistake.
we've both came to the conclusion of Accepting your unban appeal! i suggest you read the rules and make sure not to break any of them again, your ban is going to get reduced to a week, next time be more careful and do not prop spam or else you'll get Perma banned again and it won't be reduced.
~Lock please.
But, if he had recent bans for Mass RDMing for example and he intentionally prop spammed and did not show any changes i'm going to deny his application.
Hello Player X. me and the admin who banned you discussed about your unban appeal, you just got banned and you have a recent ban for Mass RDMing, it looks like you have no intention of stopping and learning from your mistakes.
me and the admin came to the conclusion of Denying your unban appeal, This is your second permanent ban, i suggest waiting longer because you prop spammed intentionally and you wanted to crash the server.
you can make another unban appeal but as i said i suggest waiting more and proving that you deserve an unban.
~Lock please.
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Why I should be promoted.
« F1s »
I think i should be promoted because i've done a really good job with F1s, i'm always on handling them which is why i have more than 700 F1s handled ( i'm an ex staff but i had no more than 140 F1s i think, i don't remember the exact number. ) i enjoy helping people and i do whenever i get the chance to, I don't finish my sits unless i'm 100% sure that the player does not need any more help.
« Attitude »
I'm always very calm and friendly and i handle sits correctly, I place fair warns & when i do i make sure that they understand what they did wrong and i explain the rule to them if they don't understand it so they don't break it again.
« Experience »
i have gained a lot of experience as I've been a mod for over a month now, i know how to handle sits professionally and i have very good knowledge of the rules, i didn't want to apply for admin until i knew how to handle most of the tough situations and i feel ready now, the only thing i need is the admin role so i can handle sits that i couldn't handle as a mod without having any troubles ( being able to Offline Warn people and being able to ban, being able to cloak and spectate etc... ) all of these things are going to make my job very much easier.
I did my best as a moderator and i'm confident of my staffing skills, I really hope I can be given this great opportunity!
Your feedback is highly appreciated as it helps me a lot.
Mr. Fombasto
Fresh Boarder
Mr. Fombasto™
- Posts: 58
- Thanks received: 15
Karma: 2