Hello [Banned User]!
After reading through your appeal I have decided to accept this appeal. The Member of Higher Staff I contacted said to me they felt what you did was not worth a lifetime ban and would forgive you for your actions. Your ban has be shortened from permanent to 2 weeks. However if you do decide to cheat again and are caught, you will be banned for life. Hope to see you soon!
Denied User:
Hello [Banned User]!
After reading through your appeal I have decided to deny this appeal. The Member of Higher Staff I contacted said to me they felt what you did was worth a lifetime ban and would not forgive you for your actions. We don't deem your behavior or actions in the ZARP community.
Why I should be promoted:.
As much as I want to shitpost and say, well you really fuckin' need me, as TTT has almost always 0 active staff when I'm online, I won't.
I am having a fun time seeing old friends, making new ones as well as having fun playing TTT, I am annoyed by the fact I cannot moderate and action those I see on the server that break rules, and as people have probably seen, I've been requesting Moderators/Admins to be on a fair few times.
I was regarded as the best admin back in the day when I was one, and what I did became quite the popular meme, and as far as I'm concerned my attitude towards TTT hasn't changed, I will do more reports than play the game while also getting a good feeling for the community as that's one of the things I loved the most about TTT in all honesty. It's why I sunk so many damn hours into it, the community was more fun than the game.
Extra Information: (Not Required)
Luki Guki gave me permission to apply straight for Admin