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TOPIC: [SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023486

Steam Name:

✪ LuciouS

Time Zone:

GMT 4+

Link to Steam Profile:


What server are you applying for?




Current Gametracker Profiles:

Server 1 :

Server 2 : www.gametracker.com/player/%E2%9C%AA%20L...arpgaming.com:27025/

Server 3 : www.gametracker.com/player/%E2%9C%AA%20L...arpgaming.com:27015/

Estimated Server Time:

800+ Hours

Languages I speak:

Fluent english , slight arabic.

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:

i've had many obstacles as a staff member on zarp but i've sucessfully managed to deal with all these obstacles the correct way , with all the experience ive gained doing a massive amount F1's and forum reports and appeals i have gained this huge understanding on how this community works and functions from absoulete minges minds to community managers this isnt to say i can overcome anyone higher rank than me but from all the experience i gained i feel like i have a really good understanding on how everything works.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):

i believe that im a decent candidate for the lead team position , even though i havent been staff for that long and i know this might cause an issue to some people but i can assure you that i have a very strong opinion and i believe that i can be heard even more when im lead team. I have been very active in the community approaching everything that i possibly could to gain more experience this includes talking to higher ranks to understand how things work with higher ranks or possibly in other fields of staffing.

✪ Trust

Even though i havent been a staff member for very long i can surely say that many people in the community have trusted me in many things even when they havent known me for that long , i believe thats simply because of how i act in certain situations and how people feel towards my actions , as for how i use my powers in game i havent had a single issue of a staff member not trusting me with the powers/ranks i posses in servers.

✪ Activity

I have been insanly active within the community for the last 2 months and i could confidently say that this activity hasnt gone to waste and will benefit me and the community even further in the future.

✪ Dedication and patience

I have been very dedicated towards Zarp to help support users in game and anywhere within the community i have also had situations where ive helped many staff members higher or lower ranked than me. Patience is key to many situations in staffing i feel that even though a person can never be patient enough to perfection i can confidently say i have reached a level of patience where its balanced to help in situations and not harm.

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

There have been countless situations that i had to deal with when there werent any LT on due to my rather odd time zone , one of the situations that i remember clearly it was a report against a fellow staff member that was a fairly new moderator and the person reporting the staff member were very confused of what has happend and was asking for a LT to come online to demote him i went on to calm him down and ensure him that i will be dealing with this the correct way since there isnt any LT available i went on to ask what had happend and why he thinks the staff member had done something wrong , after understanding where hes coming from and what had happen to fuel him up this much i went on to have a talk with the staff member that was involved in it i explained to the staff member that what he done wasnt a very nice way to deal with that specific situation and further explained to him what he has done wrong and what he should avoid doing in the future to not have issues like this again , after a long talk with the staff member he has finally understood his mistakes and now acknowledges what he has to do in the future , i then proceed to ask the staff member to apologize to the user that has reported him and ensure him that he wont be doing anything like that again.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

First of all I would speak to the user who has reported the staff member on TeamSpeak, Steam , discord. After Speaking to the User I would get the Staff member online and speak with him aswell and see his side of the story.

This is what my reply would look like in many situations on the Forums:

✪ Accepted
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✪ Denied
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Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?

I would slowly speak to him about the ban no need to hasitate and make the situation worse, to check for what the person who got banned did wrong. If the person who got banned did deserve the (X amount) of ban time i would do nothing. But if it was too big of a ban for a little crime, i would tell the staff member to maybe not ban for such a long time for rulebreaks that maybe just deserve minor ban.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?

I would tell the staff member to go cool down and tell him not to aproach any situation in such way! Then i would personally deal with the situation my self. When its done, i would speak to the staff member in private about the situation and get him not to do that ever again.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?

I would get both staff members either on teamspeak or get them on a roof to talk about what happend, and maybe ask for evidence of this. But i would do it calmly and not accuse anyone for anything before i know what happend. If there is enough evidence of rulebreak i would talk to lead team about all of that and maybe end up giving him a warning for it.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?

First of all i would get the staff member to talk to me in private and ask why he would do such thing against fellow staff members. Its very important that everybody is happy and dont feel disrespected in any way, the main thing is that everyone feels good within the team and just in general in the Zarp community. I would tell the staff member to cool off and not ever talk like that to anyone around the community, if it does keep happening i would inform the lead team and maybe take his rank temporarily.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?

First I would teleport the staff member, and firstly tell him that he is in danger of losing his rank because obviously he doesent follow the rules and as a staff member he should know 99.9% of the rules. At this point i would have to again inform the lead team to speak about our staff member breaking rules which is very serious, and should get atleast a warning for it. Or get his rank taken.

Thanks for reading my application!

All the feedback and constructive criticism are much appreciated!
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✪ Ex- SSRP Super Admin ✪
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✪ Ex- Forum Staff ✪

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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023496

Improve on what the LT ask and you will get it soon. Good Luck!
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♛Ex-TTT Super Admin♛ x2
♛Ex-TTT Head Admin♛
♛Ex-Jailbreak Admin♛
♛Ex-SSRP Admin♛
♛Ex-SSRP Moderator♛
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023502

Really friendly guy! B)

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ex (Bhop) Admin
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ex (Minecraft) Mod
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023510

One of the best staff-members on the server. Very deserving of the role.
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023523


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Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by Mr. Richard.
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023530


I’ll say exactly what I said last time, you need to improve a lot if you want to get remotely close to being super admin, but it’s very much possible. Firstly, you FALSELY banned me and said you saw it. After assuring you someone shot at me, you insisted I was wrong and there’s absolutely no way you couldn’t of been mistaken cause ya know, you’re always right. Secondly, you possess no attributes a super admin should have, it’s really evident you shouldn’t be a super admin based solely off steam conversations. You think you’re never wrong and think so highly of yourself. You don’t listen to anything and can’t argue for shit and say talking to you won’t resolve anything.

Overall you’re an incompetent guy who can’t admit you’re wrong. You think insanely high of yourself and can’t argue like a rational person. You won’t even attempt to have a conversation without saying “Arguing over steam will do nothing”. You physically can’t be superadmin.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: 0yc37xrk6m, XyroGod

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023566

I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023568

Good admin!

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Legendary Spectacular Border
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023571

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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023573

XyroGod wrote:
I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
this is absolutely wrong, you are clueless
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. Richard

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023584

dankek wrote:
XyroGod wrote:
I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
this is absolutely wrong, you are clueless
Yeah, anyone can get it if they put their mind to it. I was admin for 9 months before I got super administrator and some people won't get it because they don't put their mind to it. I haven't seen any problems with you lucious unless what illegal says is true. Keep it up bud.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: XyroGod

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023595

Kyber wrote:
dankek wrote:
XyroGod wrote:
I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
this is absolutely wrong, you are clueless
Yeah, anyone can get it if they put their mind to it. I was admin for 9 months before I got super administrator and some people won't get it because they don't put their mind to it. I haven't seen any problems with you lucious unless what illegal says is true. Keep it up bud.
it ain't
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. Richard

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023608

Kyber wrote:
dankek wrote:
XyroGod wrote:
I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
this is absolutely wrong, you are clueless
Yeah, anyone can get it if they put their mind to it. I was admin for 9 months before I got super administrator and some people won't get it because they don't put their mind to it. I haven't seen any problems with you lucious unless what illegal says is true. Keep it up bud.

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Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by Mr. Richard.
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023616

Dr Richard wrote:
Kyber wrote:
dankek wrote:
XyroGod wrote:
I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
this is absolutely wrong, you are clueless
Yeah, anyone can get it if they put their mind to it. I was admin for 9 months before I got super administrator and some people won't get it because they don't put their mind to it. I haven't seen any problems with you lucious unless what illegal says is true. Keep it up bud.

I trust Richard so :support:
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Legendary Member

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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. Richard

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023644

Kyber wrote:
Dr Richard wrote:
Kyber wrote:
dankek wrote:
XyroGod wrote:
I don't know anything about you but I'd like to add something at immigrants post:
On my old server they said the following about Lead Team Positions:
"Not everyone can or is meant to become Lead Team, some people will never get it"

Well Im Neutral just wanted to bring this in, maybe you are one of these "some people", although I don't know the exact conditions of being a LT Member here
this is absolutely wrong, you are clueless
Yeah, anyone can get it if they put their mind to it. I was admin for 9 months before I got super administrator and some people won't get it because they don't put their mind to it. I haven't seen any problems with you lucious unless what illegal says is true. Keep it up bud.

I trust Richard so :support:

Excuse me I am no liar I have evidence of the vast majority of those claims!
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The following user(s) said Thank You: 0yc37xrk6m

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023646

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The following user(s) said Thank You: illegalimmigrant

[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1023740

Really friendly guy, on my few times on SSRP lately has been one of the few staff that have actually handled my F1s and handled them well.

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✥ Ex Deathrun Super Administrator ✥
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✥ Ex TeamSpeak Staff ✥
✥ Ex Discord Staff ✥
✥ Ex Forum Staff ✥

Steam-Click here!
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1024045

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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1024647

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✪ Ex- SSRP Super Admin ✪
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[SSRP Super Admin] LuciouS's Application 6 years 5 months ago #1024649

LuciouS wrote:
No stop just stop
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change your password
sorle was here
smol dong was here
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