Steam Name: Harry RDM Squatta
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123800586
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Languages I speak: English, German
What is Ghosting? and give an example: (Explain in your own words what ghosting is and give an example of ghosting) Ghosting is teaming so if a death and a runner made a team so they wouldn't kill each other that would be ghosting. #badboys
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: (Explain in your own words how you would deal with a player being disrespectful towards another player or staff member.) I would ask them to stop then mute and warn followed by a kick. If they are being discriminatory i would just mute and warn them in compliance with the zero tolerance rule.
Why I should be chosen: (Explain in your own words WHY we should chose you to become moderator, what makes you stand out? What are good traits about you? (The questions are examples and are NOT part of the template. (We recommend around 75 words)) I am expirenced in staff and dedicated i am also well know throughout the community and so i think i would be suitable for this role. I also know the commands well and what situations to use them in. I played of deathrun quite a bit before and seen the staff do their job and i wanna help out the deathrun team.
Other notes My game tracker sometimes bugs out as it has done on ttt