RP Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Current as in under my alias I am using upon return
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time:
I originally started playing in 2014. I ended up leaving after about a year of service due to personal issues. I returned here recently to assist the staff team. So I honestly don't know. I have hundreds of hours on ZARP SSRP in total
Languages I speak:
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin.
I originally applied back to ZARP with the full intent of going for Mod instead of straight for Admin, in an attempt to get my old rank back. The reason behind this being is I knew that the rules for ZARP had changed A LOT from when I was an admin back in 2014. Therefore I wanted to start over and a feel for the new server rules and ways of handling F1's and rulebreakers. Which I have gained exactly that! I feel confident in my abilities now, I have been asking for less and less help (unless I literally need an admin to do something for me).
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around.
Well, in all honesty, most of the F1's I handled were pretty easy to work around. I think the hardest one to deal with, was there were 2 players that were constantly killing each other and claiming over and over it was RDM, but neither was able to provide substantial proof that their counterpart was indeed RDMing. After about the 3rd or 4th encounter with the same 2 players reporting each other, and yet still no proof, I could see there was some sort of beef between the two and I was just going to keep happening. So I came to the conclusion that I will tell the two to just go there separate ways, and to forget about each other, and if they were to see each other on the streets, that they were to not say a word to each other, not interact with each other, even just turn around and go the other direction if need be, because both players and I agreed that this repetitive killing was getting annoying. Surprisingly, it actually worked, I didn't hear from either player about each other again.
If you had to write a Facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?
Hey there! First off CONGRATS on getting Mod!
I will explain you the basic things that you need to know about being a Mod on ZARP's SSRP servers.
So next I have here for you some pretty basic commands:
you can see all the commands at tab menu when you click a player, or you can also utilize them via in-game chat.
Examples given below
/slay <Steam ID> - Slay the person you have in your target
/kick <Steam ID> - Kick the person you have in your target
/freeze <Steam ID> - Freeze the person that is your target (personally I like using the tab menu command button for this. A lot faster, and a lot easier)
/mute <Steam ID> - Mutes the person you have in target. (The players mic)
/tp <Steam ID> - Teleport your self if you do /tp to the place you are looking and /tp <SteamID> teleport the selected person at the place you are looking
/goto <Steam ID> - Teleports you to the player you selected
/bring <Steam ID> - Brings the player to you.
/back <Steam ID> Sends player back to their last location.
/backspawn <Steam ID> Sends player back to spawn
Then the unban from job command in the tab screen under the players info. You mostly use this command when someone got false demote or random demote.
The admin keypad checker. - Is also a new tool you will be given. you use it to check peoples keypads for their closing time, and to see which doors the keypad is connected too. You use this by aiming and left clicking on the keypad you want to check.
The F1 Menu - You also have a different F1 system now than you had as a user. If you press the F1 key you can see the unhandled F1's, how long they have have been active, and who is handling any current F1's. 2nd tab is Warnings you can see active warnings and who warned this guys. Third is logging, you can find there everything you need like who killed who, job changes, arrests, warrants and who died in a district that they had NLR in(if that case arises). Speaking of NLR, you have one last tab... the Active NLR tab, that will show you all players that have active NLR and what district(s) that they have NLR in and when their NLR will be over.
As a moderator you will come across tons of different players, and not everyone will be as easy to talk with as the other. Always keep your head, just stay cool and handle the situation to the best of your ability. There will be many situations that may be easy for you to handle, and there will be many you will struggle with, BUT THAT'S OK! Actually, it is completely normal to have some difficult situations, and tough decisions. You are always welcome to ask for any help from your fellow staff members using in game chat by typing /// then what you want to ask, or you could also hop in TeamSpeak (ts.zarpgaming.com) with us and ask us there! Everyone will be more than willing to help out a fellow staff member!!!
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for prop spam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
Hello X I have read your appeal, I have thought it over. Here what I have come to think.
First off, I would like to say that I am sorry and I felt a ban was the only immediate solution to your constant propspam. Most people know prop spam can fill up the servers logs and can create lag, and hinder some of the players experience on the server(s). Now after rethinking what I have done, the more appropriate way to handle that was first trying to at least speak with you about what you were doing, and see if that worked first instead of straight up banning you.
So on your ban, I will lower it from permanent to 4 days .Hopefully you will think this ban as an awakening and to just not do something like this again.
Why I should be promoted. We recommend around 150 words.
I personally feel with more power, comes more responsibility. I feel a promotion for me would help me better my abilities to help players on the servers. This isn't about me wanting to move up the chain of command, more about the players, the overall community. Being an admin gives me access to more capabilities and options and useful ways to handle helping newer players and correct ones that don't know better, and helping do away with the ones that do not and will not want to comply to the rules, and allow themselves and other to actually enjoy their time here on the ZARP servers. I have been a member of this community since the good days, and I would like to see it return to those times once again!
Thank you all for your consideration, and I trust you will make the decision you feel is best for the community!