Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
How much does a skeleton weigh?
A SkeleTON
Languages I speak:
English, Dutch, German and French
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server:
I would politely tell the person in question to stop Text/Mic spamming. If the person keeps doing so, I will Mute/Gag them, followed by a warning if I feel it is necessary.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:
I would instantly slay the person in question, followed by that I would tell them not to do it again, and mention it in the meeting. Besides that I will also warn him that if I or other staff members catch him using the exploit again, there will be heavier punishments.
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario:
Ghosting means, Telling your friend or loved one where one of the hiders is through the spectator mode.
Example scenario.
Me and my lovely friend Kyber are in a teamspeak lobby together, I die because I suck and Kyber is on the hunters team. I tell kyber where the other hiders are through voice so Kyber can kill them.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
I think I should be chosen, because I am a good staff member. I have proven this in my time of being a Bhop and Jailbreak Admin here on ZARP. I also have been a moderator on a community called civilgamers. It's a DarkRP server. I think I have the capability to be just as good of a staff member here, as I was on Jailbreak and Bhop. I also have a good relationship with the staff on Prophunt currently.
Extra Information: (Not Required)
My activity is still very low, as I have just gotten a lot of interest in the gamemode. ( Kyber also asked (forced) me to apply for prophunt, so I did)
Besides that, I can't promise to have the best activity out there, due to school being trash fam. Physics sucks, like no joke. It's one of the most stupid things you get in school. Like I regret picking it as a subject because it is just stupid. The school year just started and I'm already off track with all of it. Like there is no one to blame here but me because even though im trying to pay attention. Im having trouble with it because I don't understand Phyisics anymore. Like a year ago it was very 'easy' but it has just gone to an enitre shitfest this year. Ok im done now. Sorry for that.