Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:
Languages I speak:
English, some French as I am learning it for GCSE, and some Japanese as I am learning it as a part of my Karate grade.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random deathmatch is the act of killing a player for an invalid reason, such as killing a player for insulting you or because they looked at you funny.
TheXnator is afk doing some coding when DEADM0NSTOR sees him and is annoyed that he made a typo in the code, out of pure anger and hatred, he guns TheXnator down.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Jax is running merrily around the map when Kyber attacks him, but because my aim is shit, Jax escapes and then calls a KOS on me for attempting to kill him.
Dodo is at the top of the tower with an unidentified body, Dodo ignores this body, so Viking decides to call a KOS on Dodo for ignoring unidentified bodies.
Gurren Lagan is holding a diamond ore in the Nether so the innocent team cannot win the game. Uzi sees this and calls a KOS on Gurren for hindering the innocent team from getting the diamond block to the furnace.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS:
TTR Evolution is an innocent and is attempting to force test Nickolas_The GNAR, nick refuses to so so as TTR is an innocent, TTR calls a KOS on Nick.
Jean-Kevin Augustin throws a smoke grenade into the water, where it causes no harm, Chienman sees this and KOSes Jean-Kevin Augustin
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I am am Ex TTT admin and a current Prop Hunt super admin. I have a vast knowledge of the rules and have decided to reapply after seeing Jax reapply for the staff team. I have a large knowledge of the ethos and policies and can even assist others if they need help. My recent time isn't too much but I played on the name of Hal Robson-Kanu for around an hour a week ago and it didn't track, I believe Kim can back me up. My activity will most definitely improve for Sunday. I didn't want to make this a cliche application so I've added a small amount of humor here and there to lights the mood. Thank you for reading.