Steam Name:
Friendly And Nice Boi Ashros
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:
Languages I speak:
English(the one from England)
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
random death match (also known as rdm) is when am innocent proceeds to kill another player without knowing the other players role. one example is if i was inside the traitor tester and another player did not test me, just killed me. keep in mind rdm can be detective against detective,detective against inno, inno against inno, inno against t, t against t and detective against t.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1. if i was to enter the traitor tester and someone saw, that confirms i am a traitor and is an acceptable KOS.
2. using a traitor only weapon without announcing it, if someone was to see me with a c4 and i had not let them know, thisis an acceptable kos.
3. if i was to damage another player for no reason (ARDM) this is cause for a kos.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. if someone is seen with a traitor weapon and they have announced it a kos is not acceptable.
2. the person has not done anything even suspicious(RDM).
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I believe i can be of assistance to the server as i seem to play alot of this server and consequently can very easily fill the gaps where other members of staff are not on. i will be a fair judge in reports and will only focus on the rules. i hope that my application is taken into serious consideration as i believe i could be of assistance to the server.
The amount of time theres no staff is ridiculous and the TTT server is very much understaffed. Staff needs to be recruited.
last time i did not become mod due to recents. i have 0 warns so when people like hops can become mod with 3 warns thats a bit weird. i have things like mutes which is for saying things like "#freenigward" who is a player that was kicked which has apparently been taken into account in the last app that i got rejected.