Steam Name:
Time Zone:
GMT +1
Link to Steam Profile:
Click here
What server are you applying for?
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1: Click here
Server 2: Click here
Server 3: Click here
Estimated Server Time:
1894 hours
Languages I speak:
Arabic, French, English
Why should I be chosen :
I should be chosen as I have very good knowledge of the in and outs of the staff team entirely, I feel like I'm already fully prepared to take on the Head Admin role as it allows me to do my job more efficiently and allows me to assist the staff team even more.
I believe that I hold many traits and abilities which would be greatly beneficial towards someone going for Head Admin, and which greatly aid me in my current responsibilities as a Super Admin.
Over the time I have spent administrating throughout the whole ZARP community, I have proven myself to be a person who helps everyone who possibly can. Due to this, I have brought many people into our staff team and helped the server so that everybody who joins can enjoy a rule-break free enviroment.
Other than just helping out, my trust has been further reinforced by the fact that i am someone who is counted on whenever help is required.
I have vast amounts of lead team experience, this is mainly due to the fact that I have been within the SSRP Staff Team for almost a year. This shows that I have handled many situations in a professional manner while being in the staff team. I have never been given an official warning, which shows that I can handle situations correctly. In the past, situations that I have handled have been used as examples to up and coming lead team members, showing them how lead team situations are handled in an idealistic world. I believe that this experience has given me the ability to handle lead team situations in a professional manner. This experience has also effected my judgement and has made be more knowledgeable about the best way to approach many situations and come to an efficient resolve, giving the best outcome.
I prooved my dedication by being very active and working hard on day to day bases and by putting a large amount of my time into staffing. Also by being availabe and joinable on different platforms. I really enjoy helping the staff team and I always make sure that they're doing their job correctly.
I am a very active staff member within the community. Firstly I play on all severs that I am staff on everyday this shows that I am always available. If I do not play on a sever I always aim to do something beneficial and helpful for the server within that day. I am always on TS, this means that people can easily communicate with me and ask for help when it is needed on the server.
In my time as staff, I have shown multiple strong qualities of a good leader. I have a steadfast loyalty to the staff team and making sure it is strong as possible. I have consistently taken the initiative in leading the punishment of rule breakers, speaking to staff members on how to improve and what they're doing wrong, and being able to negotiate properly. I take everyone's opinion into account when making decisions, which is a key element of being a strong leader. Where necessary, I am not afraid to be harsh with staff members either, as sometimes it is needed. I feel like I have perfectly illustrated my strong leadership qualities on SSRP, by being strict with staff members where needed, but recognising mistakes and understanding reasonings behind actions.
- Create a more friendly and better enviroment for the current staff team.
- Accomplish a better communication between the Lead Team and the new staff members, this way, we will be improving our efficiency because we will be leading them in a better and more customized way to ensure that they become good, reliable staff members.
Thank you everyone for reading my application! I am looking for all feedback so I can work on myself to make myself better. Remember, please if you are gonna give me some feedback, make it constructive.